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Jan 14 2014, 2:56 AM (582 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

Screed added a comment to T96441: Can no longer hear breathing..

After my character died (from being catapulted off of rocks about 200 meters) and respawned I was again able to hear my character breathing. Now we just need to fix the rocks tossing people in the air 200 meters.

May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
Screed edited Steps To Reproduce on T96441: Can no longer hear breathing..
May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T96411: To much Zombies !.

I agree with Teras, the amount of Zombies isn't the issue. The issue is the fact that obstacles like walls and doors do not effect zombies. They just phase right through them!

I'm all for MORE zombies. I think it's great that zombies are actually the main, constant, threat in the game.

This issue has existed since the beginning, and I would have figured it would be a high priority since it involves AI clipping through the environment. Fix the clipping, fix the fact that they can come right up through floors (and sometimes hit you a few floors down from you). Make barriers like doors breakable, but give them a use!

May 10 2016, 9:03 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T96364: Game UNPLAYABLE after new update.

I'm also having a similar issue since updating the game. Now whenever I join a server it sits a "Please Wait" for ~ 3 mins then I either get kicked from game due to client inactivity or when I finally do load in things just do not respond to my characters interactions. Can't interact with doors or inventory.

I check my ping and sync and ping is in the 30-40's and sync is at zero.

May 10 2016, 9:02 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

lol Gung, apparently you haven't read or understood any of the previous posts.

You can't compensate on how a weapon shoots if its completely RANDOM each time.......

Do me a favor, get an SKS and give it a try.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

Well Doc, until they put in a skill leveling system we'll all go on the fact that when you're character isn't breathing heavy, laying prone, the bullet should roughly hit the same spot every time.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

I mean if you REALLY want to get technical Gungza as I have some knowledge of ballistics;

a 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) w/ an muzzle velocity of ~853m/s (2800fps) weight of 9.72 g. (150grains) having a ballistic coefficient of 0.435 and a zero at 100m will CONSISTENTLY drop .34 meters when shooting at a target at 300 meters away at sea level temperature of 15 degrees celsius.

Add a cross wind of ~18kph and it will drift .2 meters (~ 8 inches) this will not make you miss by 40+ inches unless the wind is blowing over 40mph, and even then you should still get consistent hits in one location!

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

If wind is now effecting bullet trajectories you should still be able to "walk" your shots to an intended target. Right now they are COMPLETELY random.....

The only thing that would cause this on a bullet is:
1.) Damaged ammunition where there are burrs or metal fragments missing. This would cause random effects as the bullet will not mate with the barrel correctly as it travels.
2.) Damaged barrel or crown of the barrel. Again, the bullet and barrel are not mating correctly causing random effects on bullet trajectory.
3.) Damaged gun site. But to get random effects that we are seeing in game the sites will have to have some kind of play in them.

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95497: [VERY ANNOYING] Inaccuracsy is TOO damn high.

I dumped the SKS and kept my Mosin just for this issue. Not out of breath, prone and observing my shots hit all around a target except where my crosshairs are pointed.

Pristine guns with pristine/worn equipment are not this inaccurate in real life. Not sure where the devs got the idea that a pristine SKS can't hit a target at 300 meters consistently while prone.....

May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T95200: Zombies have Binocular vision...

Before they add hordes of zombies I would like to see them fix them from warping through walls. Make doors useful to close behind you (make them able to break them down after repeated hits) Would be neat to see people making last stands on rooftops as hordes of zombies break down doors.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
Screed edited Steps To Reproduce on T93669: Can sprint up steep hills when quickly holstering and unholstering your long gun..
May 10 2016, 7:26 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93627: Bullet collision with terrain.

I've been trying to report this for weeks. Glad someone else is finally reporting this as it is pretty game breaking.

May 10 2016, 7:25 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93602: Rocks Near Kamyshovo Cause DEATH.

The lighthouses do the same! Beware of the catapulting lighthouses!

May 10 2016, 7:24 PM · DayZ
Screed set Category to category:environment on T93602: Rocks Near Kamyshovo Cause DEATH.
May 10 2016, 7:24 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93541: Hacking is pretty rampant.

Hackers are more rampant now than when I originally posted this! Just watch Frankie's latest video and you will see shining examples of cheaters.

You seriously need to start cracking down on cheaters or this game will crash and burn before it even gets off the run way.

May 10 2016, 7:22 PM · DayZ
Screed edited Steps To Reproduce on T93541: Hacking is pretty rampant.
May 10 2016, 7:22 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93521: Characters inventory wiped, new spawn when whiching server.

I've had this issue happen to me twice yesterday where the server reset and upon logging back into it I was a fresh spawn...

Pretty agravating.

May 10 2016, 7:21 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93455: *[SUGGESTIVE FIX]* Combat logging.

5 mins? Try 15 seconds. Friend and I got in a fire fight, guy combat logged appeared behind us 15 seconds later killing my friend.

May 10 2016, 7:19 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93207: Bullets Hit Invisible Walls.

Still an issue. Any word on when this will be getting some attention?

May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
Screed added a comment to T93207: Bullets Hit Invisible Walls.

This issue is pretty game breaking. Needs to be acknowledged and looked at ASAP.

May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
Screed edited Steps To Reproduce on T93207: Bullets Hit Invisible Walls.
May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ