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- User Since
- Dec 2 2014, 2:55 PM (535 w, 11 h)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Saxon edited Steps To Reproduce on T112586: When i setup a Landmine near at the road, the landmine disappear, and the loot around too..
Saxon added a comment to T112388: Fell through floor in guard tower.
i died in the same way on a Green Steel guard tower, while picking the gun in hands.
Saxon edited Steps To Reproduce on T108002: Handcuffs Duping.
Saxon added a comment to T107999: Throwing large objects hits player and ruins pants and shoes.
Confirmed. with a Gas Can.
but i tryed to throw up the canister
Saxon edited Steps To Reproduce on T107887: Truck spawn inside House in Myshikino..
Saxon added a comment to T107877: Bug/exploit/Hack/DoorCrack.
i was on the prison, persistence on and public hive, and the mostly doors in there are bugged this way, some time my friend crossed a closed door, and some times he stop an open door. i saw the true.. The server shows diferent things. Why?
Saxon edited Additional Information on T106451: i getting this error message "Cannot open file".
Saxon added a comment to T106366: Experimental 0.52 Tent Disappears a minute or two after pitching.
i can confirm!
running 0.52, in Northeast 02 (First person), i found tents anywhere, deer stand, wooden houses, found also a military tent. but i saw only blue tents disappears!
Saxon added a comment to T101862: Ammo splitting sound from rags can be broadcasted globally.
i was thinking about the Missing sounds, that the character does and make any sound, but txt chat and audio communication maybe the key to this issue.