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User Since
Jan 7 2022, 7:16 PM (166 w, 11 h)

Recent Activity

Jan 15 2022

SPOQSI added a comment to T162805: Jumping on servers.

A very important topic! please remove it! Many times I watched the picture when, along with the revival, a top person appears on the shore and goes to kill new players. it is enough to go north, and in order not to return, wait 60 seconds on one server, then return after waiting 60 seconds and appear on the shore. Make a separate database for each server so that the players play fairly. this reminds me of the Arma 2 Dayz Mod, but you fixed that bug where people could move from one point to another and spawn there, but you didn't fix the ability to mine resources on an empty server and go for kills! urgently!!!!! correct this misunderstanding!!!!!!

Jan 15 2022, 8:43 AM · DayZ

Jan 14 2022

SPOQSI added a comment to T159871: Climbing through the walls | (RU) Пролаз сквозь стены.

I agree! A very hard bug. raise the topic

Jan 14 2022, 4:07 PM · DayZ
SPOQSI added a comment to T161216: Kit (fence/shelter/watchtower) placement is way worse.

I think we need to change the building system! fences are good, but why do I need a fence in a building? In life, I can just make a door and close the windows with boards (in Scum) this is already implemented, but I want to see it in my favorite Dayz. Need to supplement and focus on building, the players want to score their houses. And most importantly, now there is no point in locks, because the base can be broken by any object, which also affects the meaninglessness of the design. And the most important thing is that even with fences I can't build a normal house, not crooked like most people. it destroys the atmosphere for me

Jan 14 2022, 4:02 PM · DayZ

Jan 13 2022

SPOQSI added a comment to T162750: WIPE .

Dear, this is the problem of the players themselves, who leave after the destruction of the base. I would generally remove the ability to raid the base for everyone and leave only scroll locks. I've been playing Dayz since Arma 2 Mod to this day, so you're wrong about that. I don’t expect a wipe from the word at all, but it is technically necessary for the servers and the game itself.

Jan 13 2022, 7:40 AM · DayZ Xbox

Jan 12 2022

SPOQSI added a comment to T162700: Stuck on zombie.

Yes, there is a problem, but you can solve it by clicking on LKM many times, but this is not normal. It happens that it doesn't even work, and the zombie starts screaming

Jan 12 2022, 10:51 PM · DayZ Xbox
SPOQSI added a comment to T162750: WIPE .

angelomonteiro1981, Dear, I would like to see as many updates as possible, so that there would be more changes to the gameplay that the developers have conceived. You haven't played RUST and haven't seen WIPE updates every week. There are no problems with this, please do not write this. Because of you, we have been playing for 10 years with a bunch of bugs, because you are waiting for updates TWICE a year

Jan 12 2022, 9:45 PM · DayZ Xbox
SPOQSI added a comment to T146356: Light dissapear at 100m .

Yes, it is very important to know! It bothers me that the players who use the light in the sight are lost. Do it in no time!

Jan 12 2022, 9:38 PM · DayZ