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- User Since
- Oct 16 2020, 6:50 PM (227 w, 2 d)
Sep 28 2021
Jul 13 2021
I get no answer of course!
We are losing players! Such a waste of money we are putting down to play this game! Fix this game "GEEZ" whoever the heck you are!!
You see this! Instead of adding new items and making the infected harder. You should be making the game run better Bohemia! WE ARE PAYING EVERY MONTH FOR A PS NETWORK SUBSCRIPTION TO PLAY THIS GAME! WHY IS THIS GAME STILL BROKEN!? WHY ARE PS4 PLAYERS A SECOND THOUGHT!? GEEZ WE NEED ANSWERS!!!
Jul 10 2021
I have been on this site for too long now, explaining all the problems with this game. The only responses I receive. Is that the devs "want to see a video of the incident or bug or glitch" It so stupid! All the devs have to do is play this broken game! They took all of our money and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Just imagine theres a new update coming out on July 13th. It will feature the infamous and unreliable M16 rifle, some stupid new knives and much HARDER ZOMBIES. The new update DOES NOT IMPROVE MAP LOADING SO CARS WONT FLY AWAY CARS. The new update WONT FIX FRAME RATE and MANY OTHER BUGZ! But hey! new M16 rifle right!? PEW PEW!!! OOPS another bug oh well, how bout another new knife?
Jun 26 2021
Just imagine. You pay for a monthly PS Plus membership, to play a game, that doesn't play. Its nice isn't it?
Jun 21 2021
For almost a year! I have been bellyaching about wolves, bears and zombies running through base walls. But hey, you can hit them with a broom now!
Jun 16 2021
Try to play on a PVE Community servers. PVE is "Player vs Environment". Most of these PVE sever do not allow base raiding, car jacking or killing other players. So you are free to build, loot towns, work on cars, hunt and gather all you want and without players ruining all the fun. Also, PVE severs DO have PVP "zones" (Player vs Player) so if you want a gun battle with other players, you still can.
Jun 15 2021
The best way to fix this, is by uninstalling DayZ. Its that simple. Uninstall it and don't play it. Its a loss.
They took our money and ran with it lol. DayZ is dead.
Jun 11 2021
Jun 10 2021
The game lags while driving because your survivor is traveling faster than the map can load. When your survivor is on foot, whether they are walking or running, is not moving as fast as a vehicle. Which allows the map to have more time to load in. I love this game but the creators think adding more canned food, brooms and a pokemon ball is more important than fixing the actual bugs and other game play issues. I have been complaining about the cars for a while now.