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PS4 DayZ in June 2021.
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Just a friendly reminder to all the PS4 players.

Bases building is worthless.  Wolves, bears and zombies strut right through or over base walls.  On top of that, players will always make a way in.  Just bury all your loot in containers and waterproof backpacks.  Stop wasting time scavenging for shovels, pickaxes, nails, hammers, hatchets, axes, lumber, sheet metal, wire, pliers, saws and code locks.  Scavenging for all those items is USELESS in the end. 
Vehicles still fly and rocket across the map.  Causing survivor damage and vehicle damage.  STOP wasting time rebuilding and maintaining vehicles.  These issues been happening for too long now.  Its game breaking!  Its also misleading, we all purchased this game and are still purchasing it, every month!  You need to pay for a PS Plus membership to play DayZ!  Thats more money coming from us.  Do any of you think this fun game would be fixed by now?  
I understand that this is game is old and a mod from ARMA, so it could naturally have "some" bugs.  But, cars flying around, base walls that allow bears, wolves and infected to walk through or jump over, KILLS the game.  They can't fix that?  Cant stop a bot or NPC from walking through a player built wall?  Why?  They wanted to add cute new food items, or novelty item.  Items like a sickle, a few new knives.  Broom?  The pokémon egg thing is cool I guess,  but I haven't seen em for awhile now.  The Pioneer rifle is......ok.  They adjusted the infected's senses and they adjusted bullet damages.  Why?  Who cares about that matter.
How about they just fix the game first?  Why don't they?  Fix the actual game.  Hold off on the cute items, new cool guy guns and adjusting things.  Just work on fixing DayZ.  I see a lot of the video games that come out recently and a lot of them have been terrible, especially for consoles.  The year is 2021.  Its almost summer.  We bought a game, that has to be payed for monthly and the game is broken.  Read what I am typing to you all!  You didn't just buy the game, and now you can simply play it.  NO!  You bought the game, now you have to make a PS Plus payment, every month!  For a broken game!

Does any of this bother any of you!?


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