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- User Since
- Apr 30 2023, 11:25 AM (97 w, 1 d)
Sat, Mar 1
Feb 7 2025
Is there any word on this? It's getting silly and it can't keep on being ignored.
Feb 5 2025
After the recent issues, are you going to finally make moves to stop this nonsense? PC appears to be unaffected, despite it being an attack on Bohemia, by PC players. Nitrado is the big difference. How is this acceptable?
Oct 28 2024
@Geez It gets worse. They've just told me that it's OK to shut down my server and change IP addresses whenever they wish. We need something better as this is a horrible situation to be in. It's tough out here for servers already without Nitrado cutting off our player-bases.
They've gone and moved my IP address again without consulting me. The last time this happened, you contacted them. They misunderstood and we were left with a warning on our Nitrado Dashboards about the IP address changing when moving locations, which was not what happened. The server went down out of restart schedule (no contact about that happening) then didn't come back as people were waiting for it on their favourites. It's gone from favourites, which isn't very helpful and is a huge barrier when you're trying to populate a server. I have contacted them, but I want to make you aware of their incompetence, yet again. It's really frustrating that we keep informing you of these things but nothing is happening. Are there any talks yet about offering console more than one server hosting service?
Aug 22 2024
Aug 21 2024
@Geez What about the on the spot method? That's the one that's causing so many issues as it's easy to do. I held back a wipe because I assumed you knew about it as you said you were patching the issue plaguing Official.
Aug 20 2024
I'm hearing that the on the spot method is still working.
Apr 19 2024
@Geez my ip is in the post above. They're now taking an anecdotal route and telling me why other servers lag rather than working out why mine is at times. I know the reason and they know the reason, but they keep trying to fob me off with generic possible problems, which don't relate to my server.
Apr 18 2024
This is the lack of support I keep mentioning. I messaged them with my problem and they have replied with an excuse rather than a solution. Plus they've added on a bit which I didn't query. It's not good enough. Their servers were not able to keep up with the demand so we were having problems. Or, they were messing with something. Either way, to suggest I need to do more restarts is absurd. I didn't need to do more restarts before the problem, and anyhow, I do the required 6 a day, as they suggest, already.
Mar 20 2024
@Geez They have responded, finally. I'm assuming this was pressure from you, so thank you!
The support system is currently inaccessible! Also, why do I need to provide pictures? They should be able to access my account with just my username. If they are not cooperating with you, surely alarm bells should be ringing 😆
@Geez Yes. This is the overall problem; Nitrado are not replying to me. I've not been rude, so there's no reason to be ignoring me. Communication is so slow it's mentally exhausting. More and more is happening and I'm getting lost as to where I'm at. Quick responses from them and you would help things be a lot clearer. They then went on and wiped the wrong server because they weren't following the conversation and keeping up to date, but we'll get to that. I'll post screenshot in a bit.
@Geez I logged this issue on 9th February and it's now 19th March. Can we please start talking about it regularly to sort it out? I've not had a reply from you in over a week, either. It would really mean a lot if this was taken seriously.
Mar 16 2024
I got a reply, but it was over 100 hours after I messaged, and it didn't have any answers. I really could do with some support here. Is there somebody I can talk to from Bohemia as I appreciate this isn't for this type of communication?
Mar 12 2024
@Geez I am happy for people jumping on this and sharing their experience, however, I'm still awaiting a reply from you from a week ago. I've also messaged since then about another issue. Also, I've still not heard back from them after their message telling me about wiping the wrong server. That will be 48 hours soon. I appreciate you asking for more information, but as far as my issue goes, you should already have it.
Can I get some sort of reply for this? It's now been over 24 hours since they wiped a server I didn't authorise a wipe on and they've not answered me. All I'm after is the ability to be answered quickly. I get that they're busy, but that's something they need to sort out. It's been busy for a while, so they either need less customers or more staff. Also, what's the possibility of a new server host being provided and if not, what's the plan to make sure DayZ customers are getting support within a fair time frame (1/2 hour normal time, 1 hour peak times).
Mar 11 2024
@Geez Nitrado have now wiped the wrong server. They've made assumptions based on my previous messages and wiped. Because they aren't replying to messages quickly enough, they're getting confused with what is being asked. They need to respond quickly or make a chat option. You can't have a chat about current problems if the replies are days apart.
Mar 10 2024
@Geez Now I'm hearing of a problem with wiping servers. And they know about it, but it's still taking far too long to get a response from them. 18 hours is ridiculous. That's 36 times longer than it should take. We need the live chat function back, especially now they have so many problems that need support.
They did send a work around for the wipe issue, but it didn't work and completely screwed with my server, which I needed working as I had a window of freedom to test stuff.
We need you to start taking this a bit more seriously. Nitrado aren't the only server providers in existence, so why are we being limited?
Mar 6 2024
No, I requested the move because they claimed they hadn't moved it. I wanted it off the machine they were using because it has happened twice now and I can't risk it happening again. The server stopped, then when it came back, it was not on my favourites. That happens after a change of IP. I really need it to stay in Favourites. It's difficult getting a player base as it is without extra issues.
Mar 4 2024
hXc Season 3
Feb 20 2024
Feb 11 2024
Update: 48 hours after requesting support, they've responded.
Feb 10 2024
Sorry for the running update, but it's important for highlighting the severity of the problem. They've not sent out any emails to say they're experiencing problems with a major delay in support, so I'm guessing this is now the normal level of support they plan on giving.
It's now 24 hours since I reported the problem to Nitrado and I've not been given any support or had my server fixed, which has broken due to no fault of mine. At this point, we're effectively using a server provider that offers no support when their servers fail.
DayZ has become low priority because they're hosting Palworld servers. That's not OK.
15 hours and still nothing.
Feb 9 2024
It's now been 9 hours with no reply or help.
Oct 5 2023
Sep 17 2023
Out of interest, how was this allowed to get past Experimental? It was first highlighted in July. Surely you shouldn't be releasing updates with known bugs?
Aug 31 2023
Potable water is correct! It just means safe drinking water.
Aug 30 2023
May 27 2023
May 26 2023
May 25 2023
May 23 2023
May 21 2023
May 20 2023
May 10 2023
May 2 2023
Apr 30 2023
I asked them to move both my servers to Germany and it fixed the problem.
Is the server hosted in London? If so, that will be the issue. This is a Nitrado issue.
Not sure what I'm supposed to write here.