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- User Since
- Sep 25 2014, 6:19 PM (548 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
In real life situation the second bullet in both, burst or auto fire, is very hard to land on target. Full auto is very rarely usefull in something else then making noise.
IN burst mode you have a choice to make, either you try a non-lethal first hit in hope to get the second hit more centered under the neck or you go straight for a good hit with the first bullet. Only an expert marksman will have more success in burst because, while in semi-auto you can hit your target with each bullets easily, as long as you can aim straight.
This always happen when the maintenance start, i suppose thats when you connected.
DId you had your gears back the day after? Because usualy when maintenance starts and before all server goes down, it seems that the database for our charachter is removed first so everyone does login as a new player.
Usualy it come back to normal when maintenance is over and your character is back with everything he had.
I have checked the link you provided and they dont seem to provide any cheats for dayz. I dont know how the programmers could do something against cheats that dont exist.
If your question was to know if Bohemia or a team of programmers can do arrest cheaters, the answer is no also i dont think its against the law so i doubt the police could do anything either.
I am mystified also about the reasons that lead you to think that some cheap cheaters could be considered hackers, most of those guys could not even program a calculator if they did try.
In real life situation the second bullet in both, burst or auto fire, is very hard to land on target. Full auto is very rarely usefull in something else then making noise.
IN burst mode you have a choice to make, either you try a non-lethal first hit in hope to get the second hit more centered under the neck or you go straight for a good hit with the first bullet. Only an expert marksman will have more success in burst because, while in semi-auto you can hit your target with each bullets easily, as long as you can aim straight.
This always happen when the maintenance start, i suppose thats when you connected.
DId you had your gears back the day after? Because usualy when maintenance starts and before all server goes down, it seems that the database for our charachter is removed first so everyone does login as a new player.
Usualy it come back to normal when maintenance is over and your character is back with everything he had.
This is not random, when you right click you do not only zoom in but you also hold your breath in order to minimize movements of your sight.
When scoped you can use "+" and "-" to zoom in and out without holding your breath.
Although like most things ;) It is bugged in a specific circumstance, when you are not aiming with a weapon, zooming in and out always hold breath.
from 0.10 minute in the video i can hear someone following you and failing at trying to walk at same time as you in order to hide his noise. To me it looks like you were killed with ease and effortless, i mean you didnt even looked around you.
Next time you go back to loot yourself you should anticipate your killer to be nearby and waiting for you to go back to your corpse.
You seem to think it is hard to find good materials in dayz but in fact it is very easy if you put the time in the game. Its not because you dont know where or at what time to find grenades that other peoples cannot find multiple nades in a day playing dayz. Yesterday i found 3 nades while looking for an m4 wich i did found after the 7th or 8th crash site i did loot.
The unbearable ammount of loot you seen is a known bug related to item persistence, so far the fix is to turn persitence off but if you do then your tents will disapear next reset. It appears its exactly what happend to you, as the admin told you, they have put many hours in the game farming items, probably within their own persistent server.
I have found weapons in police stations... but i agree in every server with persistence on, the polices stations have been empty a while ago and no loots are spawning back ever since... But that is not relative to police stations it is like that in every building for all persistent servers i have visited.
im not saying i dont believe you, im just trying to add my experience related to the same bug.
You say unlit but this bug happens often to myself and so far it was caused only by used fire places kit i did carry in my bag. It hasnt happend to me yet with a brand new fireplace kit.
When you take this used fireplace kit from your bag and put it on ground, it looks like its already alight and will create darkness all around you unless you look at it from the right angle wich is so far always the opposite side.
When i have deployed the fireplacekit in a restrain area, in ex: the kitchen in brown round wood house, there was no where to place myself to get out of darkness
when you spawn as a "fresh spawn" without dying, quit the game as soon you see the: "ready 123" then either wait untill your server is online since at least couple minutes or join another that seems online for a while.
If you dont let enough time for your fresh spawn to save you should not lose your old character unless it did die while you logged off, wich we cant know obviously.
This bug seems to happen a lot when you join a server that has restarted in the last 3-4 minutes.