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- User Since
- Aug 22 2014, 11:41 AM (550 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Can confirm, also crashing for me on Altis Life.
You could not put both? rogerx is why you put a negative vote?
Ok, thank you Iceman. I follow the original ticket.
Thank for your help Iceman. I await your response.
It seems to happen in a random way after patch 1.28, on our official server we're running Altis Life 3.1.3 and we've noticed that with less than 20-30 players it occours only to few people (3-4 a times) but if we are over 30-40 players it can occour from 3-4 to 20-30 people at the same time.
On the test server we're running Altis Life and only tested with 3-4 people. As said by Pojus before, today with only him online (and afk doing nothing) the crash occourred.
At the moment we haven't found a common cause for these crashes
Hello Iceman,
thank you for your attention.
I've checked that folder and server side is empty, client side I'm giving you my bidmp, mdmp and rpt attaching them here.
No one can play on any mission. Even on my server there is a very high desync after the last patch released.
I have women playing in my game server and ask me to add character woman. I hope that Bohemia add the female character.
In fact there are women in the army and in Arma mod as there are Altis Life that are RPG and we also play women.