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Mar 14 2013, 7:55 PM (624 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

ParaMedicGer added a comment to T75451: Bad autosave point (SPOILER).

Same here, very annoying... as if I haven't already reverted this mission often enough.

The missione where you have to ambush and steal the truck and as soon as you have the truck at the hideout the chopper appears. So far so good but then the autosave comes while the chopper is starting to shoot and you will die right after autosave.

Make the autosave when you reach the base or something like that...would be better.

May 10 2016, 7:36 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T69599: No wind sound while parachuting/jumping from heli.

Yep, feels strange to parajump.

May 10 2016, 4:41 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer edited Steps To Reproduce on T69391: In Arma 3 Beta dev build the Civilian Site Module isn't availible anymore..
May 10 2016, 4:33 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T69391: In Arma 3 Beta dev build the Civilian Site Module isn't availible anymore..

Attached 2 screenshots, the first one shows that there is no civilian site anymore and the second one shows the error you get if you load a mission with civilian sites in it.

May 10 2016, 4:33 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

General Scott you are right in some points and ArmA 3 isn't really 2035. I just wish they would have just said that it is in a nearer future, like 2016 or something like that.
I understand that most the players don't want all that overpowered stuff for gameplay reasons. It would make it a completely different game.

I just think BIS will make their mash-up like they do and hope someone will make a modern day oriented warfare mod like ACE and a 2035 nice weapontech mod.
This would make everyone happy.

I like both settings so I'm cool with it all.

I'm not saying that BIS does a bad job, but they have to please to many people.:-)

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer edited Steps To Reproduce on T68813: enemy AI still doesn't shot back in "Escape from Stratis" on Recruit.
May 10 2016, 4:09 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T67963: Programmable artificial intelligence.

It would be great if we could have two sliders, one with the aiming and the other one with the actual skill that determines how good the AI makes use of terrain, how coordinated they attack, how good they respond to stuff etc.

But I think programming AI will be a bit to hard for 99% of the users. Most software developers even can't make a good ai, only scripted events. Bohemia has one of the best AIs I've ever seen, even if they sometimes do some weird stuff.

May 10 2016, 3:37 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T67890: Mumble's LINK support in engine.

Bump, I would really love that in Arma 3.

May 10 2016, 3:35 AM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer edited Steps To Reproduce on T67531: Female Charakters for Civilians and this time able to carry weapons.
May 10 2016, 3:24 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

ParaMedicGer added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

That's sad....still no progress.

May 9 2016, 11:33 PM · Arma 3
ParaMedicGer added a comment to T61872: New technique for rendering grass at far distance.

Great Idea, it should beimplemented, because it seems to be way better than units sinking into the ground, somehow I always think it's a glitch to see those "submerged" models.

May 9 2016, 11:32 PM · Arma 3