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- User Since
- Aug 23 2022, 4:56 AM (132 w, 6 d)
Aug 18 2023
Aug 5 2023
Jul 30 2023
Jul 20 2023
Why is the sea not involved in the game at all?! (Chernarus map) I mean there are no objects for research, no boats, you don't develop in this direction, water occupies not a small part of the map, but at the same time there is nothing there! You can, for example, add some kind of ship at a distance from the coast so that the players make forays into it at sea for prey. It would bring something new to the game. Add scuba gear, and dive for underwater loot. The game just stagnates for years
Jul 5 2023
I can add one more question. Why does the infected make sounds (scream) when killing silently from behind with a cutting object, and giving other players the position of the player, because the very essence of silent killing lies in its very name!
Jun 21 2023
Feb 26 2023
In addition to everything, I can add that if you display information separately on the screen, it is not clear why you need a dashboard in the car? Meaning To bother and make lighting and working devices on it. And then duplicate all this with this clumsy remote tidy, thereby nullifying your own work, since no one uses them in the car, why bother and look at some devices in the car if the remote panel hangs under your nose, I don’t see what logic in that! following its own logic, in the future there will be an oil level sensor. Why not!? After all, there is a coolant level sensor, why not put an oil sensor there too ?! Close the screen with all this so that the road cannot be seen from behind the wheel. Bohemia let's burn! ;)
Feb 25 2023
The idea with skyscrapers is good in principle, but as it should be in Bohemia, it is crookedly implemented! As for me, those buildings are not at all interesting for research, despite their impressive size, they are empty and meaningless inside. Accordingly, there is no point in walking up those stairs, except for the cumpers
about the ability to adjust the gamma I don't think this is a good idea, and here's the reason: This will be actively used by players to cheat in the dark, so that they can see in the dead of darkness without the use of night vision devices or lighting devices!
Feb 20 2023
Am I the only one who thinks that the cars in the game look somehow not natural ?! I mean they don't fit into the general background of the game. Their texture is, as it were, too perfect, especially the Olga car, the chrome on it is all so perfect, and the paint on the body is almost like a car from the salon. In a post-apocalyptic world, this somehow does not fit. Need more antiquity to give the appearance, work on the texture. And I wonder if anyone checked the bug with headlights during a thunderstorm? At the moment when lightning strikes, the headlights at that moment go out for a while
Feb 19 2023
The game has some blatantly obvious problems, and the problem with this launcher is one of them. And what are the developers doing at this time?! And let's release you another update without showing off and add a couple of trinkets to your game, and after that we will ask you to vote for the game of the year on Steam. This is all Bohemia
Feb 17 2023
And the search engine does not look for servers by name either
Feb 16 2023
Feb 14 2023
Oct 24 2022
Another question is, will there be customization of transport in the future? It wouldn't be too bad
Oct 23 2022
the car pulls away even though the engine has just started
Oct 12 2022
Oct 9 2022
The brakes are very bad, they are practically non-existent. From maximum speed to a complete stop, the distance is too long! And at the same time, the wheels do not even block and do not go skidding.
Oct 7 2022
what happens to the wheel on a completely flat road, who will explain?
Will the mirrors in the car be displayed in the future, or have you put a final cross on them?!
in my understanding, you crash into an object with the front of the car, according to the logic, the radiator and bumper with headlight bulbs, hood cover, front fenders, possibly some of the front doors break. But the spark plug has nothing to do with it. very strange damage system, it still needs to be worked. And one more not unimportant question, will this update fix a bug with getting the character and objects in the car wet during the rain, and added lighting in the car interior? expand the possibilities of settings and add the ability to connect a game steering wheel, it seems to me that the control on the steering wheel would be completely different
View these items:
1 The braking distance is too long at low speed, when the steering wheel is turned, the car is carried forward, the second: why does the spark plug break during a collision, how can it come into contact with objects being far from the point of contact, where is the logic here? third: why is this candle only one, when there should be at least 4 in the car?
Oct 6 2022
how about adding the ability to connect a game steering wheel to the game settings?
Oct 5 2022
In the new version of the game 1.9, the transport breaks down regardless of which part it comes into contact with the object, it looks at least very strange and illogical. when reversing, I crashed into a pole with the back of the car and it broke, this is not logical and not correct, since the engine is located in the front of the car, there is nothing behind that could break so that it completely lost its performance and could not move! And also I noticed such a feature that the character gets wet in the car when it rains
I hope to review and fix these bugs before the release of the update