User Details
- User Since
- Apr 20 2021, 3:42 PM (201 w, 6 d)
Dec 13 2022
Feb 28 2022
This has indeed been a sore spot for many users attempting to join our lightly modded servers. Several times a week we field support tickets from users completely baffled by why they are unable to connect and are receiving the "Connection has been lost" error message. 99% of the time having the user move DayZ to an SSD will resolve the timeout they are experiencing. This is not an option for all players, unfortunately.
Jan 12 2022
Nov 11 2021
I completely agree that the unconscious timers feel incredibly unsatisfying in the vast majority of situations. Previously, before the addition of Unconrefillmodifier, you were able to at least have better control of a situation if you happened to get the upper hand and score a knock out. Currently, that upper hand lasts only a few seconds in most cases. You no longer have time to tie up an individual after a knock-out, resulting in the immediate need to kill the player you knock out. Before the extreme shortening of the uncon timers, you were able to control the situation by tying up the player that was knocked out which could lead to kills, robberies, or even teamups in some situations. The short KO timers make all of those encounters completely obsolete and your only option is to go for the kill.
I can appreciate the desire to add better in-game prompts for effects on the player character. However, this particular implementation is incredibly arcadey and feels out of place in the way the rest of DayZ is designed. This feels like precious developer time is being spent working systems that don't actually fit in to DayZ, nor have actual in-game benefits that warrant the time investment. If the devs are set on adding this system, please at the very least, make this a toggle that server owners are able to easily disable.
Jul 22 2021
Without more transparence as to why this change was made to Infected attack ranges, its hard to say whether the intended goal or effect was accomplished.
Jul 6 2021
Here is hopefully some additional context for the 'ADS' bug. Here is a video of my reproduction of at least one scenario which results in a bugged gun raise state ( One of the easiest replication methods for me is possible with a gun in hand.