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Helmet ballistic protection too high
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With the introduction of patch 1.12 we saw fairly sweeping changes to both gun ballistics and damage as well as vest and helmet ballistic mitigations. I think overall the changes introduced with 1.12 are interesting and allow for more depth in the weapons due to more varied damage ranges. Currently in actual gameplay, the armor values for vests and helmets feel off, and much less rewarding in actual gameplay than in previous versions of DayZ. This is especially true in sniping, which does not feel rewarding in the slightest currently, in my opinion, with 1.12+ DayZ. The vast majority of headshots at any significant range will lead to an unconscious enemy, not a rewarding kill.

My focus of this post will be on the four military helmets which have the highest ballistic protection:

  1. Ballistic Helmet - 75% Ballistic health mitigation
  2. Gorka (Assault) Helmet - 75% Ballistic health mitigation
  3. Ssh68 (Combat) Helmet - 75% Ballistic health mitigation
  4. Mich2001 (Tactical) Helmet - 75% Ballistic health mitigation

A players head has a total health of ~33 HP. These helmets offer a staggering 75% ballistic mitigation, meaning for the headshot to be a 1 shot kill though the helmet (barring the helmet is not ruined with the shot), the bullet needs to hit the helmet for 132 or more damage. With the current weapon damage and bullet damage drop off values introduced in patch 1.12, the following guns are 1 shot kills on a player wearing any of the above mentioned military helmets.

The following gun(s) will 1 shot headshot a player wearing a Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet at ~50 meters

The following gun(s) will 1 shot headshot a player wearing a Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet at ~150 meters

In my opinion, Those ranges are too short to be considered rewarding 'sniper' gameplay in DayZ. If you are skilled (or in some cases lucky) enough to land a headshot, I believe DayZ should reward you with a kill up to at least double some of those ranges. The breadth of weapons that can currently land a 1 shot headshot kill to those helmets is just too few, and at too close of ranges.

Just to make an example, if you moved Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet ballistic health mitigation down to ~67% that would make the damage to the head required for a 1 shot kill to be closer to ~100 damage before helmet ballistic mitigation. With the current weapon damage and bullet damage drop off values introduced in patch 1.12, the following guns would be a 1 shot kill on a player wearing any of the above mentioned military helmets with a 67% ballistic mitigation value.

The following gun(s) will 1 shot headshot a player wearing a Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet at ~50 meters

The following gun(s) will 1 shot headshot a player wearing a Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet at ~150 meters

The following gun(s) will 1 shot headshot a player wearing a Ballistic/Assault/Combat/Tactical helmet at ~300 meters

There are various ways you could accomplish further balance on weapon damage vs protective armor, this is just one possible suggestion. I just feel currently that DayZ, with the new weapon and armor values introduced in 1.12, is not rewarding enough for sniper gameplay, especially if a player lands a headshot.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Option created this task.Jun 23 2021, 8:58 PM

I agree with this full heartedly, headshots at range are no longer fatal against any form a ballistic helmet. Real life ballitic helmets are designed for fragmentation and, at best, low caliber bullets, and would not stop a direct hit from any military grade rifle round, especially the .308. It has completely changed sniping in 1.12 for the worst from the shooter perspective.

Same applies the torso hits, while this issue is less pronounced because a direct hit against a plate carrier won't one-shot a player, I've routinely put 3 shots into players from 400m (1 torso, leg, arm) and they have enough health for a full sprint. It is safe to say the tundra is now nerfed above 200m when in real life it would still do considerable damage.