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- User Since
- Jul 14 2013, 11:42 AM (608 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
? Please just open YouTube and watch videos. Also in our clan real tank drivers from the army said you see the shot fired. It is not realistic that the tank shot is invisible.
It dont need to be "tracer" i think, perhaps head signature you see as a gunner. It was good as it was, now with the patch its gone.
Lets play "realistic" tank sims like STEEL BEASTS PRO Pe. You will see the same there.
Still occurs
Still the most vehicles and also upcoming tanks are even on the front a one-hit with a AT weapon. Without better options but smoke all vehicles are glass canons :(
Trophy is really needed. The up2date russian T90 already uses such a system and the only Option we get is smoke?
also the Speed uphill is a joke, with 1500 and more PS/HP the vehicles(tanks) go up a normal road with 6-20kmh?
Why isnt there a vote about realistic Speed and defense System?
May 9 2016
This is not fixed so easily!
What if the far away soldier is in very low grass? Giving him big camo options will also bring nearly invisible to that. Also the moving aspect isnt good calculated, in high grass a crouching soldier will make the grass move like a tank when he kills a tree. This is very noticeable from a higher distance, this is not like wind will move gras.
And how to find out where the soldier is? On the Hill there is never high vegetation, on the side can be but more directed to the hill, so a crouching/low moving person would be (better) seen. Only inside the valley there a good spots where to hide is a option and balanced. No view inside the spot, no view outside the spot on the horizontal line.