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- User Since
- May 23 2014, 1:09 PM (562 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
much too much loot in the two stables north eastern from Severograd.
had the same issue some hours ago. have been killed by a invisible zombie in Zelenogorsk.
Help Please! This is a serious issue!
The server i have my stuff just runs 40 minutes and is 1:30 h off..
almost all UK persistent servers show regularly 14:00 and not accesible at all..!
Me also on Exp. UK 0-09
Have also been nearly killed by invisible zeds. since today i am not able to see any zeds. Not sure if i am able to see players, too.
Area Lopatino and NW Airfield
Happened on Exp. Server UK 0-09
May 10 2016
Had this issue also two times. I also can confirm. One with cow leather and onw with pork.
Had this issue twices on a lattice bridge in Novo near the silo´s. Broke legs and died. (today on exp 0.49)
Also twice on the Building sites one times near labrantino and other times somewhere on the east coast (not Berenzino)(Patch 0.48)
Also today again in Novo upsatirs in the industrial area twice on the same spot: 0.49
I´ve heard several users experienced that this bug is happening when noise is near person who currently uses in game speech/talk.
They found out while beeing on the same server but only one has done these actions and the fellowers where able to hear his noise even when they hav been far away.
So these noises must be broadcasted somehow using the "Global chat channel" like server admins can use.
Maybe this hint will help fix this issue.