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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 11:16 AM (627 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Niklas set Category to category:items on T100121: Boonie Flecktarn spelling error.
Niklas added a comment to T78207: Game crashes to desktop very frequently in MP.
I did sometimes crash on vanilla before, but I don't have the logs for those anymore. If I do i will upload them.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T78207: Game crashes to desktop very frequently in MP.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T78155: Black lines above tree models with "Alpha to Coverage".
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T78111: "GROUP" respawn type bug lets players respawn with dead units.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T78063: JIP spectators can mess with alive players action menu.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T77692: Players gun shakes very fast when in combat pace and fatigued.
Niklas added a comment to T74640: Unable to lock on with AA or AT launcher in multiplayer.
It is bugged for me, see video.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T74640: Unable to lock on with AA or AT launcher in multiplayer.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T74639: Constant crashing after getting kicked by Battleeye.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T73599: Duping Issues still frequent.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71847: Arma 3 damaged factory missing/brocken texture.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71419: Ifrit smoke launcher model doesn't fit smoke shell fire direction.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71377: Vehicles turn on their wheels after flipping upside down.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T71376: Cheating underwater by staying close to surface.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T70994: Give pilots and crew SMGs instead of assault rifles.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T69981: Dev branch update completly breaks TrackIR for infantry.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T69982: New APC's turn out animations are broken.
Niklas added a comment to T67549: Make stance indicator show up when changing stance.
I want it to show up when you change stance. It is hard to see what stance you are in in first person and your hud only shows if you reload (not sure if this is difficulty dependent).
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67549: Make stance indicator show up when changing stance.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67548: Compass ingame size to small, can't see bearings.
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T67545: m134 minigun rotates around muzzleflash from interior view in AH-9.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Niklas edited Steps To Reproduce on T59290: Can change from combat pace walking to combat pace crouching, but not back.