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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 6:19 AM (587 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Saw the same thing near Devil's Castle yesterday. Looked like a big Death Star in the distance.
Crashes are not working as intended. Was lurking near NWAF and watched one spawn in and disappear within 10 minutes. Not the first time I have observed this across multiple servers. Same with police car spawns. Are these events tied to server time/speed?
May 10 2016
Just happened to me as well. I had been playing on the server for about an hour or so, got killed, and am now unable to spawn. Tried 3 other servers to same results. Respawn button greyed out.
All a part of the update process. Shouldn't have posted so hastily.
I am having this issue as well.
Had the same thing happen. Luckily I found charcoal. Almost died.
Looking for info or a solution on this one. I am currently debating buying my brother the game so we can play, but will not if this is still and issue.
I can also confirm. Happens every time. Has contributed to a few deaths now.