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User Since
Dec 25 2013, 1:51 PM (586 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

MrSmooth added a comment to T94347: desync jumps when friends join server.

Just died because of this shitty desync issue... FIX IT ALREADY instead of putting details on certain updates..

May 10 2016, 7:50 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93335: Items not visible except at close range in certain buildings.

Confirmed. Had this myself at the Ballota hangars. When i walked to the back of the hangar, stuff spawned like 5 meters in front of me.

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93334: Ammobox seems to reproduce an endless amount of Ammunition..

Confirmed. Can also be done with the protective case.

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93330: Loosing Items when swimming for some time.

For as far as i know this is not a bug. You were supposed to lose stuff while swimming. Though an entire backpack and you weapon sounds like a bug.

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93326: Confirmation of changes. Connection failed.

A lot of empty servers have this issue yes. Try to connect to a server with 1 player if you try to loot on empty servers.

May 10 2016, 7:14 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93289: Курсор мыши.

No clue what has been said.

May 10 2016, 7:13 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93287: Server hop to fix broken legs.

Relogging works just fine, but yeah, that works too :P

May 10 2016, 7:13 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T93209: Can't manipulate inventory or raise weapons.

Most likely high desync. It's been happening a lot!

May 10 2016, 7:03 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T92437: servers filled with sociopaths.

Someone got into ragemode after he got killed xD hahahaha

May 10 2016, 6:39 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T91484: Feedback: Allow guns to spawn anywhere, nerf Military spawns..

Well, if a zombie apocolypse happens IRL and you need guns. Where would you go? Exactly, police stations and army bases.

May 10 2016, 6:08 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T91021: Ammo carry bug.

The default M4 clip carries 30 bullets so i'm sure it should be 30. But yes, you can make stacks of 60 in the game by emptying the taped together mags.

May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth edited Steps To Reproduce on T91002: Wielding a functioning gun, while no longer in inventory.
May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T91001: Character Moaning.

Like i said, i took medication (which included painkillers) and waited for more then a couple of minutes ;) Still moaning.

May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T91001: Character Moaning.

No the character is not in pain, i tried doing everything that could possibly 'fix' it. Like pain meds, antibiotics, food and water until stomach is stuffed (Only then you will heal up) and it still kept moaning. Disconnecting and then connecting fixes it so definitely a bug.

May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth edited Steps To Reproduce on T91001: Character Moaning.
May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T90999: Better support for AMD CPU's and GPU's.

Same issue here, my hardware is not being fully used.

I got:

Windows 7, 64-bit
ATI Radeon HD 7850 Sapphire
AMD FX-8120 8-core CPU
8GB RAM DDR3 (1600mHz)

May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T89058: VoIP too quiet and low quality.

Quality depends on the user's mic/headset. But i agree with voip being too quiet.

May 10 2016, 4:44 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T88046: Desynced Playerkill.

Confirmed i got killed because of this desync issue as well. Was in the west prison building on Ballota Airstrip on the top floor with a few friends. I was in the top room crouched looking out the window and then a friend said "Look out" and then i died.
And my body apparently was at the staircase where i according to my friend got shot.

While on my screen i was in the room :P

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ
MrSmooth added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.

Somebody posted the line of code that had to be removed to fix it on reddit. Got [REMOVED] xD They don't want you to manually fix it so it seems.

May 10 2016, 3:46 PM · DayZ