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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 9:55 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T75425: Issues with 'Patrol' missions..
Masterpwny added a comment to T75391: Equipment doesn't carry over between missions - no NVGs for night mission.
Have you tried editing your loadout in the 'team' tab on each new briefing screen? I Stashed a sniper rifle in the ammo boxes when I went out on patrol, and I think it was then available in the inventory screen at next breifing!
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T73031: Unable to issue commands from UAV interface.
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T73030: Quad-copter UAVs do not stat still when enemies are present..
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T72877: Setpos command has inconsistent results regarding AI waypoints.
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T69690: Flames from campfires and vehicle wrecks are too deadly..
Masterpwny added a comment to T66499: Why change to pistol when picking up rifle?.
Really infuriating when playing wasteland.
Masterpwny added a comment to T64553: Weather conditions / seasons (snow etc.).
Snow is unlikely for Greece, however changing the month in the editor should have some effect on the Mediterranean climate and the trees in particular.
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T63387: Addition of 'mission accomplished' effect changes trigger behavior..
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Masterpwny edited Steps To Reproduce on T59870: Mortar first-person targeter does not adjust elevation of shot.