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- User Since
- Jun 6 2019, 5:24 PM (300 w, 3 d)
Jun 7 2019
Try it right after the server reset or.
- Press Triangle to Split stackable items.
- Hold Square to drop the items into your vicinity.
Try it right after a server restart or.
- Triangle to Split up Stackables
- Hold Square to drop it into Vicinity
Make sure the gun/item isn't ruined.
Relog into the server, that should fix it.
You can also try and put it in your hand and then drop it by holding square, helps sometimes.
Jun 6 2019
If you mean tents/barrels, it often affects Chambered Guns, try after a server restart or press triangle to split the items or hold square to drop them out.
You should be able to take the items out after a server restart, from my experience it happens often with Chambered Guns.
Also try splitting with triangle or holding square to drop them.
Do you mean the bug where you press down once and you get on the item, you press down again and it goes all the way down on the list?
Put the Slugs into your Quickslot, Equip the Shotgun, go into your Quickslot and press circle on the slugs (important that you just make a short press once, don't spam circle) and it should reload all of them.
Never happened to me and friends before, are you sure you are joining the right server?
That's how the game is meant to be, it's a "Survival Game".
For me it works right after server reset most of the time, otherwise try splitting with triangle or dropping into your vicinity by holding square.
When leaving the game by closing the application your character will still be on the server for the next 15 Seconds just like a log out, if you log out while restrained or unconscious you're going to die.
For me it usually helps to Close the DayZ Application and start it again.
Recommendation : If you're not Server hopping, play on a Persistence OFF Server.
Another thing that works sometimes is to hold square to drop the items out of the bag or split by pressing triangle on stackables.
Take the one of the stacks you want to combine in your hand, hover over the other item and then press circle, that should work.
(just in case you didn't try)
To open the cans drop them on the ground then get the opening tool into your hand and look at it, then hold R2.
You've probably been Headshoted by a Sniper, if you know how guns work and that a Bullet often travels faster then sound you'll just die and not hear the shoot, just like real life.
Frame drops/lag.