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- User Since
- Oct 5 2019, 12:02 AM (286 w, 2 d)
Jan 23 2025
I wonder if this may be tied into the fact that PS5 does not currently have the ability to run mods (coming in the future) but its till doesn't make sense why we still can on official servers but not on our own rented server. Any help would be appreciated. We love the game and simply want to fully enjoy it by creating and saving our own scenarios in Game Master.
Jan 17 2025
Mar 24 2023
Feb 27 2020
Just to reiterate, this is the frame rate reduction /events that started occurring after the 1.07 update. The R1 (item wheel prompt) seems to work for those I know have been using it. In each case, it has stopped the stuttering immediately. My hope is that this information may help devs in some small way to identify and/or resolve the issue. ....although they may already realize this themselves.
Feb 26 2020
Feb 18 2020
Jan 2 2020
Unfortunately, BI doesn't respond to these trouble tickets but a lot of these issues they are fully aware.;s just that their communication sucks.
fyi... This is a well known issue. Lag is usually worse in towns / cities and players can experience "spikes" where their screen freezes but to others the car appears to keep going and a crash usually follows.
I'm wondering if this is tied to the same problem where a player is unable to open a can for example or unpackage ammunition, etc. The action either appears it is taking place with the circle icon or simply won't initiate. In those cases, I have had to restart my server to get things to work again. .....luckily we can do that on Community servers but folks can be SOL on public ones.
Nov 26 2019
Does anyone from BI ever acknowledge these or is all this effort trying to provide this detail a complete waste of time????
This is not a fix but until they do correct this issue with the auto-reload function, one way around this is to use the combine feature (circle button) to reload a magazine from your inventory. You can also store magazines in your item wheel and combine from there if you wish.
Nov 25 2019
The issues with items getting stuck in barrels, tents, trunks of cars, etc. can almost always be "unstick" after a server restart. The bad news is that the players has no power over this on public servers but in private ones, the owner can restart whenever they like.
Nov 21 2019
This really sucks but one way that can help IME is by not trading items from your hand to the container using X. It is always best to move items from your inventory manually to the container, trunk, tent, etc. Even then this is no garauntee things won't still get stuck.
Nov 19 2019
Nov 18 2019
I noticed this too. Tents don't protect you from the elements but they should.
Nov 1 2019
.....and when taking antibiotics (tetracycline), make sure to take one at a time. The pill icon will appear next to the sickness icon. Wait for the pill icon to disappear and then take another pill if the sickness icon is still visible. Don't linger though. Take the next pill as soon as the pill icon disappears.
I would have these issues too. Someone told me about reloading mags into weapons via the combine option from you inventory ("O" on PS4) vs. the magazine change button (triangle). On a fresh character it has been working great. I have not had any glitched mag issues since.
I have the same issue along with my friend. The game will sometimes freeze while loading in or very shortly thereafter as soon as we move.
Oct 5 2019
I agree. I've discovered that driving close to 20kph or less is the best bet but is certainly frustrating. I go even slower in towns.