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Dec 23 2013, 11:20 AM (587 w, 12 h)

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May 10 2016

Kadavar added a comment to T89901: Clouds are moving too fast.

For me they moves just like real clouds what I see right now in my window. And this with subtle wind what in real forest will produce exact sound as we hear in game.

May 10 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T89890: "Египетская пирамида" из земли, если идти на север от Старого Собора.

Translation: map anomaly. Can be found if you walk to the north from Stary Sobor

May 10 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T89885: Automatic Reload of M4A1 when entering a server.

Ok, maybe such freeze is a bad idea.

But my opinion is:
Logout and Login is lake go to sleep and wake up. In real world you need to secure place where you want to sleep. In real situation you will never go to sleep in center of Chernogorsk's store, right?

So, maybe make login process looks like wake up? You start to see surroundings, and you are prone on the ground and then animation for standing up begins, we hear noise of this and also noise from gun what is prepared for firing.

Instant login without any sound or a litlle bit of freeze is really bad idea.

May 10 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T89885: Automatic Reload of M4A1 when entering a server.

I think when you join server this should be followed by some sound. Gun reloaded, some loud footsteps, may be a loud yawn (like you just woke up). And, for example, ten seconds of complete freeze, so you can't do anything except look around. Just 10 seconds, I think this will be enough.

May 10 2016, 5:14 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T88997: I got into a firefight the players were shooting with the M4 and my friend did not hear them.

Me and my friends get same issue at random.

We have different sound setup and systems. But at the times can't hear gunshots from players near us and who fire while we look at them (at distances less than 50 meters). Also there is no animation of firing - no flame from muzzle or any movement of player.

May 10 2016, 4:41 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T88997: I got into a firefight the players were shooting with the M4 and my friend did not hear them.

And my setup: win8 64bit, G35 usb headset. In audio setting number of sources is set to 128

May 10 2016, 4:41 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T88686: Micro stutter every few minutes.

Same here.

Win8 64bit. This is not depending on graphics settings. Even on extra low graphics this freezes occurs.

@Methlehem: Yes, I have same feeling. Sometimes this also move your character a little bit, even if you stand still.

May 10 2016, 4:30 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T87065: sound of the ocean....

In JSRS mod sound of ocean is very good. I even like it. Is it possible to do something similar in DayZ SA?

May 10 2016, 3:15 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T87044: Audio channels changes all the time.

Get same issue with my G35

But, looks like it is problem in logitech drivers for Win8. Same headset works perfectly on Win7 64bit system.

There are also other sucj reports in Internet about this problem with Win8 and G35 (for other games)

May 10 2016, 3:14 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T86703: 7.1 Surround Sound With Logitech G930 Headset Problems.

With Logitech G35 and Windows 8 I get same problems. Sounds often is distorted. Ocean sounds and sound of wind in forests sometimes randomly changes volume or crack/distort. I get same results in Arma2 with DayZ mod.

On another computer with Windows 7 sound is ok in both DayZ Standalone and Mod

Looks like problem with Logitech drivers what is not working correctly on Win8 - there are many reports in Internet for such problems with G35 and Win8 in other games

May 10 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T86703: 7.1 Surround Sound With Logitech G930 Headset Problems.


I just followed this guide

And now 7.1 surround sound is working as expected.

(g35 on win8.1)

May 10 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
Kadavar added a comment to T86431: Weapon attachments become invisible..

I also get this bug. On another player with Mosin rifle and PU scope. Scope disappears at some angles whe viewed from 3rd person. (but didn't recorded it. )

I get complete disappearance of a gun of another player. And also other animation related bugs.

Here is a video:
Disappeared gun is at the end of the video.

May 10 2016, 1:06 PM · DayZ