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- User Since
- Apr 2 2015, 10:11 AM (517 w, 5 d)
Dec 25 2017
Very much could use a getter for setPylonloadout as GrumpyoldMan suggested "getPylonLoadout could return an array holding all pylons and their respective assigned turrets".
Jun 27 2017
Further to clarify which editor I am talking about. SP editor/main menu editor button. MP editor - from main menu click host server button on top then host server button in the middle of screen then select existing editable mission then 3D editor button or select <<New - 3D Editor>> from mission selection list.
BTW -filePatching is not enabled if that makes any difference.
OK, so debug console is working in sp editor but, why is the console ui incomplete in mp editor. It used to work in mp editor.
Why does mp editor indicate running mods when in the same instance without restart sp editor indicates no mods (icon grayed out).
Jun 26 2017
Not true. I've been using 2d mp editor up until Malden release. I even made new missions with it, then converted to 3d. my porting tools use extensions and exporter script export to 2d. I can bypass the need to have 2d editor and script some of the steps needed to port my missions to new terrains by updating my gribuilder script to use new 3den commands. But, unfortunately debug console access in 3d editor is broken for me since Jets dlc. described in another ticket. Both of these problems have resulted in a complete halt in my mission porting development.
This change caused an additional problem. I can no longer see debug console while in editor through editor menu options Tools\Debug Console. enableDebugConsole not existing in description.ext so its not over riding there... no mods loaded. screen shots -
This behavior of only being able to see the Cancel button is what it looks like in mission on dedi if not loged as admin and initiated by admin tool mod since you removed access for non loged in admins. It has to be related
Jun 23 2017
Jun 3 2017
I have the same problem. Please fix.
May 25 2017
I agree that Gnashes solution would be best. I do not want to publicly release all my admin's UIDs by including them in description.ext which is downloaded by anyone joining our server.
Apr 16 2017
Can confirm in dedicated environment locking tone is not audible when locking on to aircraft from any handheld launcher since patch 1.68. Sometime before patch 1.68 (don't know with patch exactly) I could not lock onto aircraft with handheld launcher at all. This is evoked by scripting command
0 fadeRadio 0;
Its consistently reproduceable in latest recent mission build of BMR_Insurgency_v1_46.Altis.pbo available in this thread -
by setting lobby parameter
"Disable Audible AI Radio?" to "Yes"
I can confirm this happened to me today for first time even with OPTIONS - GAME - STREAM FRIENDLY UI : dissabled. Has been happening since 1.68 for others in server.