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- May 16 2013, 9:22 PM (616 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Only saw the first one once, but i switched to third person view instead of making a screenshot...damn haha
I will of course keep this thread up to date, so as soon as i get new screenshots of any character animation bug i will upload i them.
This would be good for some dramatic scenes...
*Grenade gets thrown towards your friends and you jump in heroically screaming "Nooooo" while dolphin-diving onto the nade (add slowmotion here)*
Should get patched anyways.
The problem with this is that the peripheral vision zoomed in as well, even tho there should be no magnification
May 9 2016
Good point, roger. Respawn time for females should be 30 minutes + since they need to put on makeup and choose a dress first.
And because this is the internet im going to go ahead and tell you that it was a joke. Because i just know that someone would take it serious if i wouldnt tell you that its a joke.
I was not refering to you, but some people are saying something along the lines of "If you downvote this you are not being rational".
And reasons dont always make sense to anyone, thats for sure. Everyone has different experiences with different things, which leads to different opinions. But i will try to explain it anyways. Im not trying to defend my point of view, im trying to explain it to you so you may not find them as unreasonable anymore.
The immature players thing...
Ha, guess what, ive already seen more than enough players running around in underwear but if they are going to do it id rather see them running around as females, so nevermind. People who are going to be immature are going to be immature anyways, and id rather see female characters in underwear than male ones.
The voice thing...
(It would probably have made more sense to you if you would have heard the radio commands from some other games with female characters, they were simply ruining the game. Not only for me, the majority was against those radio commands and they went as far as kicking people with female characters out of rooms.)
I previously posted: "I just want to make clear that i was talking about the radio commands, so its completely up to the developer if they use a normal voice or a annoying voice. [...] But then again, i dont think that the developers would use a annoying voice. So now that i think about it this may as well have been my last branch."
For that "pixel of death" thing... My main statement was that there shouldnt be any difference between male/female hitboxes in order to keep it fair. Let me quote my next statement...
"All i am saying is that they would have to have the same hitboxes as male soldiers in order to keep it fair, and yes, sometimes a few centimeter can make the difference."
Still reasonable.
Then i said... "I dont say that they make a huge difference, i say that even a pixel can make the difference between alive and dead."
This one was more of an exaggeration than anything else. Just like you say something like "I've told you a thousand times."
I exaggerated to make a point clear, which is: The hitboxes shouldnt be different at all, not even if the difference is as petty as 1 pixel. If we are going for equality in this game we should be going for it on the whole line.
I hope i made some of my statements more clear to you.
I planned to stay away from this topic, but the ignorance of some people is just unbelieveable.
Seriously guys, whoever says anything along the lines of "Oh god, i am the only one who is right and anyone who thinks something else/voted something different than me is just being irrational" shouldnt even get a vote.
Its not about who is wrong or right, its about what people would prefer. So everyone who calls people who have a different opinion irrational/unreasonable or anything like that is being irrational and unreasonabel.
I think its about time to let this issue die, because like you said, everyone just seems to reach for every branche they can. This has gotten out of Hand anyways. I believe this thread was doomed to get out of Hand as LadyBrecky said "Got a problem with women playing games too?"
I just want to make clear that i was talking about the radio commands, so its completely up to the developer if they use a normal voice or a annoying voice. I have bad experiences with the radio commands in another game. Im totally fine with women in the voice chat. But then again, i dont think that the developers would use a annoying voice. So now that i think about it this may as well have been my last branch.
Thanks for staying reasonable and making valid points, i really appreciate it. Some people just start to rip things out of context in order to ridicule someone instead of making points and having a mature discussion, even if you tell them that you are not going to respond. They just cant let go
Anyways, i wont help keeping this thread alive anymore, if someone makes an really interresting point i will probably reply, depending on the importance of that point.
Edit: Oh come on. If you are going to attach a picture of a female soldier make sure that she doesnt wear make up. It looks pretty weird/fake if you see a soldier with her full gear and equipment AND make up. I find it hard to believe that soldiers wear make up during missions/ training.
I really wouldnt feel left out, i dont really mind which gender im playing as. In Saints Row The Third, for example, im playing as a female. I dont even know why, but i dont know why i would go through the effort to change that either. I also suggest that you just ignore all the references Major Mole made about me, since he pretty much made them up. Im kinda glad that he made that reference tho, because noone mentioned that ridiculous topic yet.
I actually never met a single player who was embarrased because he got killed by a female - i have no problem to "admit" that i got killed by a female and im damn sure that there are many females who are better at gaming than me. A female player is teaching me how to play Dota 2 right now because im horribly bad at it haha
Anyways, did anyone of you actually ever see a player who had a problem with females playing games or with females killing them/being better than them?
Yea, there would really be no point in doing that. There would be better things to spend time and money on.
My main problem isnt the female soldier itself either, its the potential issues it could cause. Im not sure if adding something that will barely change the gameplay is worth taking the risk of causing new issues
@MaJoR Mole
Yes, i did say "mature". The way you responded was pretty immature. I am not going to respond anymore since its pretty pointless to discuss with you. You can stop replying now.
In your own words... "Good Boy!"
@MaJoR Mole
I am not even going to discuss with someone who seems to be unable to respond in a mature way. Especially "To say it is his own problem and there is no one who cares is also a reasonable thing to say." is pretty ignorant and reason enough to stop discussing with you. You know, the fact that you want female characters is also your problem, and im pretty sure that there are people who care/have the same point of view.
I just hope that the developers want a two third majority, which would be the only logical thing if it comes to such a big decision.
My first statement was "The female characters would have to have the same proportions as the male characters, making them look not female at all."
And i guess that wouldnt be too hard to achieve with all the gear and armor, but like we both said, that would make it hard to tell the difference between a male and a female character. Which brings me to the question why we need a female character if you wont be able to tell the difference anyways?
Some of these screenshots are the perfect example. You wont see any difference unless you look at the face. And to be honest, who looks at his characters face while playing Arma?
And the last link you shared with us is just yet another example of how the characters could possibly be abused.
First of all, you shouldnt be calling names (weirdo) because someone stated that he would rather not hear a womans voice in a game. Did you even try to understand what he was saying? He probably doesnt like high pitched voices, which is a reasonable thing to say. I may be wrong, but your quote was out of context and you didnt adress anyone directly, so i couldnt check out his entire post.
A female character in another game sounds like its voice actor is 14, you cant even imagine how annoying it is when someone spams radio commands with that voice. I just hope that the developers would find a voice actor who would fit.
But that problem would be solved if you could simply turn female voices off through the ingame options.
Even if female soldiers get implemented you could still make servers where you cant play as female. And believe me, if there would be any issues with the female characters i will not hesitate to make such a server.
Oh alright,sorry then.
I dont say that they make a huge difference, i say that even a pixel can make the difference between alive and dead. And it doesnt matter how small the advantage you get by using adifferent character is, its still unfair.
And i wonder why i didnt see a thread that complains about the lack of asian characters. Im pretty sure that there are asians out there who play Arma 3, but they probably understand that their gameplay experience wouldnt improve just because they get a asian character.
So if someone is against it and tells you why he thinks its a bad idea you call it whining?
I even said that i wouldnt care if they add it as long as they dont cause any new issues. And it really shouldnt happen anytime soon, because the developers have to take care of actually important things that have an bad impact on the gameplay
So if someone is against it and tells you why he thinks its a bad idea you call it whining?
I even said that i wouldnt care if they add it as long as they dont cause any new issues. And it really shouldnt happen anytime soon, because the developers have to take care of actually important things that have an bad impact on the gameplay
Adding female characters would do more harm than good and there are literally no benefits in doing so. Why would it change your gaming experience if you would get to play a female character? If you would actually enjoy the game it wouldnt matter whether you play a male or female character.
The biggest problem with female characters would be the hitboxes. In order to keep the game balanced you would have to have the EXACT same hitboxes as for male character models.
Option A: The female characters would have to have the same proportions as the male characters, making them look not female at all.
Option B: They would have to wear ridiculous amounts of armor/gear in order to provide the same proportions (since women tend to be slimmer than men).
If you are going with option B you are facing the next problem. People who wear more gear/armor wont be able to move as fast as people who have less armor/gear. They also wouldnt be able to sprint as long.
I have been playing another game where female characters got added and there seemed to be a few more problems. These are just a few...
1.: The majority of the players got annoyed by the radio commands of the female character, simply because her voice didnt fit a battlefield at all.
2.: Some player would go out of their ways to protect other players with female characters, just because they were female.
3.: Horrible hitboxes. That problem got solved by adding weird armor, which made the character look ridiculous.
Life isnt fair, thats true. But can we change it? No. We can just try to make it as fair as possible. Literally the only upside of adding female characters is that some players (probably the minority of Arma players) get to play as female characters instead of male characters. The negative things outweigh the good things.
And i wouldnt mind if they would add them as long as there are no issues. But im pretty sure that there will be issues
If i look for something sexy i wont do that in a war simulation. I was saying that they you would see virtually no difference between a male soldier and a female soldier when they have their backpacks, bulletproof vest, helmets and all their equipment on them, which makes me wonder why they would even make such a request. Does it really matter if the pixels you are controlling are titled as "Male" or "Female"?
All i am saying is that they would have to have the same hitboxes as male soldiers in order to keep it fair, and yes, sometimes a few centimeter can make the difference.
And i think that this last real-life reference is pretty useless, this is a game, after all. And there is no such thing as hitboxes in real life, so its pretty pointless to compare it. The hitboxes would be a problem if the female characters would have smaller hitboxes than the male characters, because it would give them an advantage over the male characters. It doesnt matter how petty the advantage is, the point is that they HAVE an advantage if they have smaller hitboxes
I dont know if this helps anyone, but you could probably try to assign Arma 3 to one or more cores.
You can enable it through the task manager by rightclicking on Armas process (arma3.exe) and clicking on "Set affinity". I think that this could give you more FPS. I dont know if it actually helps, but its worth a try. All the changes are temporary, so you would have to do it every time you start Arma 3.
I myself cant try it because i dont experience this problem, so please give me feedback.
Copied this part from a website:
What Are the Benefits of Processor Affinity?
For most programs, processor affinity probably won’t make any difference, but it helps when users are running, for example, anti-virus scans, a game, a browser with heavy Flash apps or something else that uses up a lot of the CPU. If two of these intensive programs are running at the same time—and using all of the possible processor cores—they would probably negatively impact each other’s performance.
Basically yes, but in some cases it can actually help with the performance of some games because it assigns one or more cores directly to that process, which means that the games process gets seperated from other processes. The core(s) could concentrate on 1 intensive processes instead of 10, for example.
The question is if this would make it better or worse, because i used to do this on my old laptop in order to get more FPS in a certain game. I got less FPS while doing this in other games tho.