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- User Since
- Dec 5 2015, 12:25 AM (480 w, 3 d)
Dec 14 2018
Dec 7 2018
Oct 16 2017
Ok.. here I send you 2 screensshots of my 3 screens. As you can see the man reflected or in the acog visor are deformed in horizontal:
Oct 14 2017
May 9 2017
oK Problem fixed.
It seems that if the mouse has more than 125hz of refresh, cord or wireless, then the issue is produced. When the mouse is down to 125hz then everything is ok.
As said this only happens in 64bits option and not in 32bits.
I tried with other mouse cord one with that refresh frequency and the result was the same.
Maybe there is something in the 64bits code that is affecting this? because in 32bits doesn't happen this.
Apr 26 2017
There is other person with this problem. I recorded a video showing what is happening exactly. Reinstalled everything, eve I tried now the new developer update beta version but still the same problem.
Apr 22 2017
Still not reply from anyone?
No other person have same problem? Is strange that it runs ok in 32bits but not in 64bits.
Apr 9 2017
Ok, here another video that shows that is not the TEXT... it is the mouse cursor.
Apr 8 2017
Sep 26 2016
I think it can be fixed adding a transparent geometry around the IA (or player) from ground to knees or so... (depends on grass high) when they are among grass. So that transparent geometry make see through the IA geometry the ground behind (and simulates the same cut vision.
That way there is no need to shrink the IA or whatever and the hit geometry is where it has to.
May 10 2016
Does it mean it is going to be included as a payware module (or freeone one)? An advance module?
Still the same in this last update of 2mb. One rare thing was that I saw how it was ok in a moment in a version before this last patch.. but later I tried and was the same. Maybe the situation changes with time.