User Details
- User Since
- Mar 16 2015, 1:05 PM (523 w, 1 d)
Oct 18 2020
@_connor Does blocking the death message (by returning true) stop the message appearing in all clients or only in the victim's client?
Oct 16 2020
Feb 14 2020
Feb 13 2020
I've updated this to major as when it happens, it causes huge log spam which can affect server performance. We had one error from this bug that resulted in 1.5 million log lines for a half hour period.
Aug 19 2019
Apr 5 2019
Dec 19 2018
Apr 13 2018
Tweaked: User actions now work if closer than (bounding sphere radius + 15 metres) to the center of an object (
Jan 21 2018
Oct 20 2017
There is a further issue of addAction not working when the player is >15 metres of object centre regardless of selection position and radius.
Oct 17 2017
How does UserActions in CfgVehicles work in this regard? It specifies Door_x_trigger in it's open/close door actions but this selection does not work in the scripted addAction command.
Oct 15 2017
Aug 24 2017
May 10 2016
See private note below for
Page file is set to 8GB on my OS SSD and 1-8GB on my games SSD. (
CPU is "overclocked" to turbo frequency under water cooling.
GPU is factory OCed.
RAM is 4x8GB at the factory XMP speed of 1866Mhz. (Note: This issue also happened when running 2x8GB 1333Mhz RAM)
I would be able to play with a special .exe
^^^ My posted bidmp/mdmps are not from this bug. Nothing is logged to RPT regarding this.
Just a simple @life_server to have some server side scripts. The issues only started recently (After an Arma update I believe) even though that "mod" has remained the same.
That's not really relevant considering the issue is sometimes reproducible for me by simply stopping the server.
I'm not sure if these dump files are from this issue: but these are the 2 dumps currently in my Arma 3 folder.
Even simply removing the guns would be enough for this helicopter, although seats in place of the guns would also be useful.