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- User Since
- Dec 19 2013, 11:09 AM (585 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
JJRimmer added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.
This happened to me today. I did change server region from AU to US and i remember this made new characters generate in the mod
JJRimmer added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.
Same experience. Response between button and action starting sometimes fails and sometimes lags. Not sure if due to sync or bug
JJRimmer added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..
Frame rate drop in cities. No matter the settings there is always a drop
JJRimmer added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.
Happened 3 times now. Seems like most of the time they have no idea they are broadcasting.
JJRimmer added a comment to T86579: Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT].
Get this too. Zombies sounds and the occasional soda can pop. Not sure if your fucking with us on purpose :P
JJRimmer added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].
This happened to me today. I did change server region from AU to US and i remember this made new characters generate in the mod