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- User Since
- Aug 25 2013, 1:45 AM (604 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I agree with both Koala and St.Jimmy
attach command?
Still it won't be official content.
I would gladly pay for a Sahrani in ArmA3 the sunny awesome Island... Or for other Takistan, to represent the modern battlefields.
Having them into ArmA3 without the need of downloadning tons of gbs, and also problems with versions,bugs,closed communities, and having the ability being:
USMC,US Army, Russian, Spetnaz, Chdk, CDF, RACS, Takistani, BAF, Takiban or my personal favourite the fondamendalist SLA would be just awesome. All those eras all those weapons and modules, the abilities are just LIMITLESS.
Since arma3 is out and dayz is coming soon, noone is going to spend money on ArmA2 let alone, ArmA1.
So I belive this addition is a must-buy.
BIS is always about the community I belive they are planning something like that. If they would gave us the official support of their ex-games the abilities will be... unimaginative
the point is not tho have to work with third party software = mods.
But an official out of the box part of the game.
the problem is that these commands don't actually work in multiplayer as far as i know. Anyways, a full recording ability would include a GUI for pausing etc
yeah but cs and cod have it for free...
trolling much.
guns of dead bodies also should make a sound, like in Counter-Strice:Global Offensive