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- Mar 6 2013, 4:03 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 9 2016
I think this might be the effective range of that under-water rifle, with the dual-purpose rounds the bullets appearently go exactly 40metres then vanish.
Ofcourse, one simple way(I hope) to do it, would be too use the "turn out/turn inn" function, which would cause you too roll down the window and get a limited angle too shoot at. Would not be good for much except some return fire purposes, or epic drivebys in mods which has little to none armed vehicles.
Ah yes, I am also hoping for the abilty to fire your weapon out from a vehicle, would be the biggest plus ever=)
Yes, this is very disturbing and nasty to listen too, bullets travel faster than sound=(
Hear several gunshots, then the snaps and crackle of bullets flying above. Should be the other way around.
I dont want the recoil to be as low as the M249 was was in ARMA2, because that was a little to easy for raining down hell on a poor squad 300-400 metres away. But neither do I want the prone pos. recoil to be like your jogging with a PKM at full auto. There has too be some middleground here.
@Kid18120, I dare you to show me a 100 round burst from a prone pos. all rounds hitting with reasonable spread at 100metres+. (a reasonable spread is not the tree tops 40 metres behind your designated target)
I double dare you.
The recoil is unrealistic compared too supposed weight and actual design of the weapon.
Recoil is defiently not fine, its too low on assault rifles and entirely too high on machineguns.
Noone will ever use a machinegun in Arma 3 if it stays like that. Does not matter if you have 70 more bullets in the magazine if thoose 70 bullets are gonna kiss the sky.
The recoil on LMGs seems alot higher than others for some reason, full auto from assault rifle causes alot less recoil than full auto from the light machine guns.
They fire the same caliber for same amount of time at same rate of fire, why would a then seemingly heavier weapon have more recoil? Makes no sense whatsoever.
Recoil needs lowering when firing machine guns from prone anyways. The other rifles might need more recoil IMO.
If bipods are supposed to be utilized, let us utilize them then, so you can actually can lay down some supressing fire, and not supress the birds and clouds.
The recoil is fine on everything except for LMGs.(Maybe add some more too assault rifles and the 7.62 "sniper")
Ligt machine guns do infact now have more recoil combined with less rate of fire than assault rifles of the same caliber.
It should be the opposite, higher rate of fire with less recoil(considering its supposed to be a heavier type weapon designed for full auto supressing)
Not talking about running and gunning, your not supposed to hit anything then anyways, but in a prone posistion providing cover.
Lets hope they work out a nice deployable bipod system or something=)
I also noticed this when i smashed into the ground on the showcase, chopper became unflyable, but did not blow up or kill me or any other passengers, I hit the ground atleast 150km/h nose plunged.
Felt way too forgiving too jump out alive and kicking from that.
Hmmm, I tried diving without diving gear earlier, once he started choking I swam up to the surface and could breathe uninhibited again.