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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 3:34 PM (626 w, 1 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Fletcher edited Steps To Reproduce on T62135: When AI are killed on top of DPP Tanks, they fly..
Fletcher added a comment to T62133: Realistic?.
You can, go and look at your keybindings. I don't see how this is a major issue...
Fletcher edited Steps To Reproduce on T62082: Allow the use of optics when in urban prone.
Fletcher edited Steps To Reproduce on T62074: Movement sometimes glitches out and you slide in one direction or the other, cannot stop..
Fletcher added a comment to T62009: silenced weapons are not stealthy, Difficult to make silent kill.
Complete myth, I've shot quite a few suppressed weapons, and really the only one that was "quieter than the action cycling" was the Ruger MKII. Being that it's a .22lr so that's not saying much. Suppressors allow you to shoot without ear-pro, but they're certainly loud enough to understand what it is at a distance.
Fletcher added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.
The female playerbase in ARMA is too small of a minority to justify wasting time and effort that could be spent on more productive things. Voted down. If it's that important to you, mod it in.