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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 9:25 PM (628 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Hi, im struggling a bit with this. I use a desktop shortcut from arma3.exe with a lot of parameters and a lot of addons, so i ended creating a .bat for it.
start "" "arma3.exe" -high -winxp -nosplash -nologs -noPause -world=empty -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=5120 -maxVRAM=3071 "-name=DimasL" -mod=andallthemods
It worked perfect, but now with the Battleye thing i have to restart the game everytime i open it. I tryed with the -useBE and -nolauncher (never needed) but it doesnt launch with battleye, just open the prompt window and have to restart it.
At the end i managed to start it with battleye but using
start "" "arma3battleye.exe" 0 1 -high -winxp -nosplash -nologs -noPause -world=empty -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=5120 -maxVRAM=3071 "-name=DimasL" -mod=andallthemods
Is it the only way to do it? Did i do something wrong with the -useBE so it didnt work for me? I would like to know if theres any way to just add -useBE to my first startup line and make it work.
May 9 2016
@Noctuabundus i uploaded mine, also have that problem and other related with ATOC/Antialiasing and my ATI 7970.
Just bought a new graphic card 7970 and now have this problem is so annoying, have it too with arma2.
Its an Catalyst drivers prblem ralated, didnt have it with my old 560ti.
Check the red orchestra 2 / rising storm grenade thrown, i think it would be perfet for arma3, not too fast, good accuracy and not the arma2 system.
I managed to fix it, it was the antialiasing setting on my drivers, make sure that it is set to "multisampling", in ATI by default it is on adaptive multisamplig.
Just change it to "multisampling"
Well, ive been busy working, but i notice i have a new problem in arma2 and arma3 with ATOC, should i create a new report? is already reported? Found an old arma2 report.
The issue is with atoc activated, you see the grass and trees like a "square net", later im gonna post more screens of how the problems looks in arma3.
Just bought a 7970 Ghz Edition, format the pc, to avoid any driver problems, and install latest Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3 now i have this problem in arma2 and arma3, in arma3 i managed to solve it with the atoc disabled, but game looks worst. Didnt have this problem with my old 560ti, and the same rest of the pc.
i5 2500k, 8gb ram, AMD 7970 Ghz Ed.
I didnt touch anything on the drivers, all is default, and pc windows re-installed this last weekend.