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- User Since
- Dec 6 2013, 7:39 PM (587 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Yes, I've already found this list, but it doenst show me how the exact command is called that i have to type in my cfg to deactivate spotting and let the own position be shwon on map.
I know it will be sound weird, but I'm really new to ARMA server configuration and this list doesn't help me to be honest. :(
I need somebody who tells me:"you have to type "showPlayerOnMap="1"; and "ShowOtherPlayersOnMap="0" " for example....
Sorry, but I'm a little fool I think :(
I have EXACT the same problem as St.Jimmy
Ok, I hope these informations are helpful. :(
Would be awesome, if you would be able to give me an information if the files could help you and if you are working on the problem.
Sorry for my bad English :(
Game files are all fine. Crash happens with and without mods. I've already tryed it with a reinstall of the game and with an nother operating system (windows 7-64 and windows 8.1 64)
Doesn't the game save some kind of "crash report" or something like that? If yes, please tell me where because I don't know how to find it.
Yes, the game crashes absolutely randomly without any informations.
Windows is just telling "Arma3 doesn't work anymore"...
Thats absolutely annoying.
The game crashes in single and multiplayer.
Yes, AI should use smoke as soon it is in combat and doesn't have any realy good cover, like a wall or a building or something like that.
At the moment fighting against AI in the open field is like shooting on grouses...
May 9 2016
Yes, that's realy annoying because it gives some players horrible advantages...
It's absolutely needed! It already existed in ARMA, why isn't it in the game anymore?
Please bring it back.
There's already a nod giving us somehting like that. The "MCC Mission Creator".