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- User Since
- Sep 29 2019, 3:34 PM (284 w, 3 d)
Dec 19 2019
Dec 3 2019
Negative. I own the server. No roll back available couldve rolled back how much was gone. Also since im owner of the server i can see if anyone is on. As of late im the only person using the server. Nobody is ever on. I preformed a rollback to attempt to fix the issue. It worked. Log in a day later pieces are already missing. Changed the pass word to double down on the server to confirm it wasnt another player. Logged out logged back in last night. More pieces missing. Restored again and changed the pass. Im now back whee i started bc all the restore piints have sections of the base missing. Also if it were a raid why wouldnt they take any of the 7 cars, 7 tents, 5 m4s various aks and armor as well as stock piled food and batteries and duck tape. That should be a triple down on the it was not a raid. But the double down and restores shouldve confirmed that.
Nov 29 2019
Same issue at two separate bases on my private server you need to up the severity of the bug status to its highest.
Oct 9 2019
Still an issue in 1.05 on xbox. Lost a lar and m4 to it. I had plenty of space in my inventory though.
Oct 6 2019
Solved. To get new items spawning preform a server rollback. To the earliest backup you can. That should be yesterdays or fridays or todays if you read this after the automated backup. But restore to that point this will mitigate losses to pregress on the server and should force new loot to spawn. I did this myself and found the mlock in a police station immediately afterwards without losing my progress.
This needs admin attention immediately.
Oct 5 2019
Oct 4 2019
Got it. Had to have both nvg and light for the option to appear.
Oct 3 2019
Sep 30 2019
Sep 29 2019
Not to be an ass or anything but all these duping posts dont help for shit if your not telling them how to reproduce the issue. They know its back. Its been a month or more. Tell them how you found it and what happened to cause it to get a fix. The DEVs cant wave a magic wand to find out what happened and then instantly fix it.
Can confirm this is still an issue in 1.04 ive lost 3 generators during time offline(overnight) on a private server in my locked down base. Hesco barriers have also disappeared as well as barbed wire despawning and barbed wire kill radious expanding or not moving when removed or (if barbed wire is on a gate) the gate is opened. Died multiple times to this barbed wire glitch. Persistence for multiple items is broken.