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- User Since
- Jun 7 2014, 1:22 PM (561 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
i think it just works on flat ground, cause it doesnt help me to escape that stone
first of all we need some more sprac cans, other possibilities to paint our arm bands
i suggest to think over painting helmets, fully or with a pattern like one stripe
weapon stances are an important move/sign for other players to show if youre friendly / agressive
keep 'em
i think thats just for keeping your weapons and the servers use this trick to save your current inventory
i got the same idea of keeping both main-weapons in the inventory, better said one in the inventory (back) and the other in the hands - so i support this post
if this will not be implemented id like to see the, by default, G-button working so that you can throw your current weapon in your hands on the ground and switch via hotkey to your weapon of choice
the reloads while opening doors (in most cases) overall acting with your environment are irritating
despite being in a fight, in which spending time to be ready to shoot by reloading or choosing the right option in this list, that costs lifes,
it makes the reload sound and thus can be perceived by players next to you
i suggest to separate the reload menu from the normal interact-possibilities and put these all on the reload key (R), which you can change in controls. a new window/area for the reload options beside the normal interact-possibilites is appropriate, so it doesnt collide with them