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- User Since
- May 27 2016, 6:31 AM (458 w, 6 d)
Jun 29 2017
After a few more days of tests I'd like to clear up my last message.
I do still get mass kicks without battleye filters, they are just not as frequent.
As you guys have said its clearly not the cause of the problem, just me shooting myself in the foot with the amount of filters I had.
Jun 25 2017
My server has mass kicks very frequently, so tonight I tried running it without any BE filters. We lasted 4 hrs 15 mins with 70+ players and no issues, then I turned the filters on and within 40 minutes a mass kick occurred.
May 6 2017
Mar 15 2017
Jan 26 2017
All servers do it but I have had the issue on a couple of Australian servers as well as my local server.
Jan 25 2017
Oct 2 2016
It wouldn't be including the headless clients. Run a server without and it still counts incorrectly. It is actually just displaying listed players * 3
Aug 4 2016
The issue only occurs when linking the editor module to a unit in the module's settings. if you leave owner empty and link a unit to the module in game the issue doesn't occur.
Aug 2 2016
I looked at this again cause my servers need zeus and I discovered something.
Jul 19 2016
I have done a bunch of testing using other zeus setups that I have put together as well as official zeus missions.
Jul 18 2016
Aww, is there anything else you could get from me that may help with this? I am not the only person who experiences the issue but I am not sure what else I can provide. All variables are set correctly and I am 100% certain its to do with disableAI because with that tiny mission i attached where there is nothing but the zeus modules and disabledAI the issue occured for me.
Jun 1 2016
I have tried to replicate the issue using a few of the "Escape from..." missions that you guys have made and had no luck. I am unsure if that is because your missions are flawless or when I DC to work my way up the netIDs an AI takes over the unit and therefore it doesnt change netID when I rejoin.