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CRAIG1975 (Craig)


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User Since
Oct 5 2020, 10:19 PM (232 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 8 2020

CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154602: Concrete house fire place wont light - PS4, DayZ EU - DE 2182.

This happens with ALL fires. You can usually dry them out with a x1 stick fire placed next to the Wet fire, however, due to the 'hight restriction' rule, makeshift fires can't be lit indoors. Once an indoor fire is Wet, it's Wet until the server is wiped.

Nov 8 2020, 2:44 AM · DayZ PlayStation
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154610: Not good showing blood stat.

Once you fill a Blood Bag you can examine the Bag to find out your blood group, ie it says what type of blood is in the Bag.

Nov 8 2020, 2:40 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154627: 3-digit-lock changed combination while attached to gate.

3 digit locks only take a few minutes of going through the combinations to unlock it.
So it's possible another player just tried different codes and changed it to their own code after they got in.

If you just try all possible combinations you can let yourself out of the base again :)
I'm always starting with the 500 ones and then go up from there. Most of the times it just takes 5-10 minutes to unlock a random 3d digit code

Nov 8 2020, 2:37 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154627: 3-digit-lock changed combination while attached to gate.

Exact same thing happens with the 4 dial locks. It's not the code changing, it's the lock simply not falling off. It's happened to me numerous times (even as I type). I've been forced to destroy my own gate and when the lock drops, I pick it up and look at the combination...the exact combination I input into the lock. Putting the same lock back on will cause it to happen again. Putting a new lock on will fix it...till that one also bugs out and you have to destroy your gate again.

Nov 8 2020, 2:31 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154726: Car is super glitchy .

There is no landrover in dayz .. if you have one its on a modded server .. and devs cant fix that

Nov 8 2020, 2:20 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154764: Not able to fix my car after a huge lag spike.

Move around the car and remove the Ruined parts via the Vicinity in your Inventory. I stand, roughly, by the car door to do it.

Nov 8 2020, 2:17 AM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154723: Cannot extinguish the fire inside an indoor fireplace with a bottle of water.

You don't want to extinguish indoor fires anyways. All fires become Wet when extinguished and DO NOT dry out except by building another fire beside the Wet one (a x1 stick fire will be enough). Of course, you can't do that with indoor can build a fire indoors but, due to the 'hight restriction' rule, you can't light them. This means, if you could extinguish a fire, doing so to an indoor fire will result in that fire being Wet forever...even through a restart. NB it's the actual fire that is Wet, NOT the fuel

Nov 8 2020, 2:11 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154821: Dayz PS4 8621 night vision bug.

Are you by any chance wearing glasses? If so, ditch them...

Nov 8 2020, 1:57 AM · DayZ PlayStation
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154641: 1.10 Experimental - Fishing animation broken.
Nov 8 2020, 1:54 AM · DayZ
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154815: Dayz Features, Base Building, Cars, Gear..

I couldn't agree more about the hole in the floor of Watchtowers. I've been saying the same thing for ages. The hole should only appear if you build Stairs.

Nov 8 2020, 1:41 AM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154885: Died for a bug.

You've desynced...log out then back in.

Nov 8 2020, 1:36 AM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154891: Lack of ak 47s and m4s.

I played for over 2 YEARS before I found my first M4. After 3 years, I've still only ever found 2...The problem is with 'dupers' who duplicate all the best guns...only a small number spawn on a server and when that limit is reached, no more will spawn. If the limit is, say x10, M4's per server but 5 'dupers' on the server each has x10 each, you'll never find one...

Nov 8 2020, 1:29 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Nov 2 2020

CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154244: 4 Dial Combination Lock Fails to Detach from Gate.

See above

Nov 2 2020, 4:18 PM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154792: Hunting Scope.

See above

Nov 2 2020, 2:32 PM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 created T154792: Hunting Scope.
Nov 2 2020, 2:31 PM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 9 2020

CRAIG1975 added a comment to T154244: 4 Dial Combination Lock Fails to Detach from Gate.

This has happened multiple times...

Oct 9 2020, 6:16 AM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 edited Additional Information on T154244: 4 Dial Combination Lock Fails to Detach from Gate.
Oct 9 2020, 6:15 AM · DayZ Xbox
CRAIG1975 created T154244: 4 Dial Combination Lock Fails to Detach from Gate.
Oct 9 2020, 6:12 AM · DayZ Xbox