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- User Since
- Jun 10 2016, 1:09 PM (458 w, 3 d)
Dec 1 2018
Nov 14 2018
I dont know if said fixes have been done already, but what xArmanR describes in his feedback #1 and #2 has happened to me too while I was playing on DayZ AUS 1-1 with the Lada Niva the last days. Especially the nose tipping downward so much is really annoying. Also the vehicle sounds so crazy loud and sound as if it wants to explode any minute... is engine oil needed or have I missed something else? (I have 4 pristine wheels, batterie, spark plug and I filled the radiator with normal water)
Nov 12 2018
Sep 15 2016
I can confirm that issue.
Found a walkie-talkie on a public stable 0.60 server a week ago. Put battery in. Was not able to do anything with it... Mouse wheel, F key did not work. I searched for other keys to turn it on but without finding a solution.
Sep 11 2016
Would be worth consideration I think ;)
Does not even need these bad ass physics for me :)
Hi LTIsaac
Hi Geez,
I hate to bother you with this but is there no possibility to tackle that vehicle persistent sooner than with the next exp patch? Something like a hotfix or a small update? Cause I noticed that for a huge amount of people the vehicles in DAYZ are game breaking... In addition to that the whole persistence used to work so well that it is a real pity that suddenly you can't use vehicle properly... (and as I wrote in my last comment this may also be the case regarding tents)
I assume it's probably a lot of work and I know the whole team is trying their best but seriously - no car driving until the next exp patch - can that be a solution?
Same problem
Sep 9 2016
I once lost leather trousers, leather jacket, leather backpack, leather mokassins and of course all the gear inside these items.
All leather clothing was crafted by myself and dyed brown.
It happened after I logged out on an public stable server and logged into another public stable server.
Sep 8 2016
Well in that case I probably have to cope with some month of waiting I think ;) But nevertheless thank you very much for the quick info.
Hi Geez,
would you by any chance be able to tell me after this has been fixed on steam, because it is not until that point of time that I want to play dayz again due to the fact that I really need a persistent car in my current in-game situation ;)
Seems it has already been fixed internaly...
Thanks for the quick reply. Keep up the good work guys :)