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- User Since
- Apr 4 2015, 9:00 AM (521 w, 2 h)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Astronach set Category to category:environment on T110800: Experimental - Lootsystem does not work.
Astronach set Category to category:inventory on T110798: Experimental - Backpack disappeared after dropping them.
Astronach set Category to category:weapons on T110797: Experimental - Winchester suddenly disappeared.
Astronach set Category to category:items on T110796: Experimental - Somtimes you can not put Items to your Inventory or put them on your body.
Astronach set Category to category:environment on T110794: Experimental - Arrow and sticks are not visible if your inventory is already full.
Astronach set Category to category:environment on T110793: Experimental - After ignite a Fireplace it burns even without putting new Wood.
Astronach edited Steps To Reproduce on T110792: Experimental - Not able to craft a Bow.
Astronach added a comment to T110769: item bug / dsync - version .56 experimental.
Can confirm this, monitored this a couple of times.
I figoured out for some Items it is necessary to grab them and while holding them put them to Inventory.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T110511: Possibility to attach Chemlight Sticks to your Coat/Jacket.
Astronach set Category to category:environment on T110444: Truck is not able to drive across loot.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T110316: Possibility to disarm Landmines and Beartraps.
Astronach set Category to category:weapons on T110315: Beartrap caused instant death.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T109799: Introduce a craftable tent.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T109798: Introduce a craftable Tripod.
Astronach edited Steps To Reproduce on T109797: Not able to add plant material as fertilizer.
Astronach edited Steps To Reproduce on T109796: Garden lime causes that vegetables seems to be instantly rotten.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T109794: Preserve vegetables.
Astronach set Category to category:featurerequest on T109793: Introduce a craftable 'BBQ' grill.
Astronach edited Steps To Reproduce on T109792: Not possible to get seed from vegetables.