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item bug / dsync - version .56 experimental
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I am currently playing experimental .56 and quite a few items will not pick up. Like I found 2 taloon backpacks one blue and one purple. I tried for 2 minutes to pick up the blue one and it would not pick I tried the purple one and it went right on. I then dropped the purple one and tried the blue and still couldn't pick it up. Needless to say I left with the purple.also other random items would not pick up which caused me to die like food (tacbac) black wool coat and beige balaclava, melee weapons (hatchet, shovel, bat and pipe)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Dropped purple tried to get blue one and nothing. Picked purple one up first try. Tried same process more than 5 times for about a total of 5 minutes time. Random items stated in description I clicked them several times to have them not put on or place in open invintory by either clicking on, drop down menu options "take" or dragging to person / invintory. But neer items I could.

Additional Information

Tried multiple times to fix issue; restarted pc, steam, dayz. Joined same server and same items would still not pick up.random items of all kinds

Event Timeline

ThePinky1984 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ThePinky1984 set Category to Inventory.
ThePinky1984 set Reproducibility to Random.
ThePinky1984 set Severity to None.
ThePinky1984 set Resolution to Open.
ThePinky1984 set Legacy ID to 3921405324.May 8 2016, 10:33 PM

Can confirm this, monitored this a couple of times.
I figoured out for some Items it is necessary to grab them and while holding them put them to Inventory.