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User Since
Feb 22 2014, 12:13 AM (578 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

AdrenalineRush26 added a comment to T95748: 'Healing'/'Healthy' Status indicator is missing after having blood taken.

Healing/Healthy refer to the player's Health, not Blood. If your blood is not full, you will not heal (regenerate Health) nor will you be healthy. Unless you meant that those statuses don't return once your blood has fully regenerated, then this is not a bug.

May 10 2016, 8:41 PM · DayZ
AdrenalineRush26 added a comment to T95744: When putting weapon into hands, character automatically puts it away.

I noticed this with pistols only. If I am prone and attempt to equip a pistol (I tried the FNX and the Magnum), the character will pull it out and then put it away. However, pulling out any other weapons works as intended.

Mitigation: Pull out a pistol in crouched or standing position before going prone to have a pistol equipped in prone position.

May 10 2016, 8:41 PM · DayZ
AdrenalineRush26 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95709: Unlocking Handcuffs resets their condition.
May 10 2016, 8:40 PM · DayZ
AdrenalineRush26 added a comment to T95666: Shot by an Ass?ole, when trying to help them.

Steps to reproduce? LOL

  1. Play DayZ
May 10 2016, 8:39 PM · DayZ
AdrenalineRush26 set Category to category:hardwareissues on T95571: New NVIDIA Driver causes black screen!.
May 10 2016, 8:36 PM · DayZ
AdrenalineRush26 added a comment to T88199: SERVER HOPPERS [Feedback].

I had the idea that once you join a server, you must only use that server until your character dies. Of course, I know this definitely not suitable for many reasons (servers down, friends on another server, etc.) and there's probably a better solution for it.

May 10 2016, 4:11 PM · DayZ