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Jan 10 2014, 9:34 PM (582 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

413X added a comment to T78861: Tripwire mines is planted too close to your feet. Very high risk of blowing up in your face.

You're right. I didnt do a clean test.

May 10 2016, 9:02 AM · Arma 3
413X edited Steps To Reproduce on T78861: Tripwire mines is planted too close to your feet. Very high risk of blowing up in your face.
May 10 2016, 9:02 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T76369: A huge FPS drop after 20/3 Patch (Win campaign patch).

Uh, today it is appears to be working fine. We didnt change anything, so whatever you guys did in "the back" worked.

May 10 2016, 7:58 AM · Arma 3
413X edited Steps To Reproduce on T76369: A huge FPS drop after 20/3 Patch (Win campaign patch).
May 10 2016, 7:58 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T76079: No message received for XX seconds.

Are you playing on 1 server or several? There was a patch not too long ago that had the servers crashing, which would in return give this message for the players. A hotfix was released for it, and if both clients and servers update to it. It should be gone. So if you are running on your own serverhost, I would suggest make sure you have the latest update.

May 10 2016, 7:51 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T76010: More frequent server crash since the last update.

But is the crashing solved? Our server had a random crash earlier today. When more people connect tonight we shall see if the crashing remains.

edit; problem solved. Our crashes was due to server host that did not inform of their issues.

May 10 2016, 7:50 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T76010: More frequent server crash since the last update.

Our server crashed 3 times last night when we were doing 42 man operation. I'll try get a hold of the log files as well

May 10 2016, 7:50 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Lol Luxor. Ive told you already. It has have been resolved in development. We even tested it. They just havent shipped the patch yet. Reference;

124795: Fixed: Voice-Over-Net: Custom channel volume based on distance

This specific issue was solved backend. But the distance change apparently needs to be sent through a patch.

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

As soon as you updated the new devbuild to the steam servers we will do a full radio check and report the results

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Tested alot of various stuff and it all worked. Great job! Now we just have to wait for this patch to be released :P:P:P

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Did you even read what you wrote or are you just that stupid?

"overreacting is never the answer"

Just because I used the word "fuck" does not mean I am automatically overreacting. Having a gamebreaking bug that makes it literally impossible to having coop games with more than 20 people is what a game community should say as unacceptable.

"At the end of the day it is a game and it's not worth getting upset over."
Yes... It is a game. I quit Arma 3 for 2 of these months waiting for this issue to be resolved. I played Dota 2 instead. Great community. They actually fix their bugs. Then again, if Bohemia could fix their own shit, I could probably enjoy theirs as well.

"I'd expect you to understand the developers point of view in this whole process."

Yes. Fuck the players, have them play Dota 2 instead. Lets fix some bugs that no one would even look twice to notice to satisfy some altis life players.

"In fact, the evidence is against you on the Zeus DLC taking up development time. That's being managed by a very small portion of the team that you can count on one hand)"

So how come there has only been Zeus bugs been resolved for the past months? It is only now they actually start doing shit again.

"Also, look up psychological projection because you've just exhibited a classic case of it."

Really? Im trying to get some people to acknowledge the existence of a critical bug and you are going to freud on me. I mean really?! GTFO

"If you want to be constructive in regards to this issue then go and bring it up somewhere where it is more likely to be seen by a developer to refresh their memory on it. Just because it's assigned doesn't mean it's being actively checked and the issue tracker is full of issues which means it's easy for each individual one to be overlooked in the sea of the rest."

Are you serious now?! You have been arguing this entire time of me being overdramatic and then you go saying that im not being dramatic enough. You want me to go to reddit and cry there as well rather in the ticket in the proper forum?

Just get the fuck out dude

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Was trying to cause a reaction from atleast someone, even if it is just a moderator. It is like talking to a brickwall in these kinds of forums. But thank you for the update! It is most appreciated. Good luck in resolving this issue

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.


  1. This issue has been around since start of arma 3. The gamedevs have ignored multiple tickets and assigned it months ago. I have bumped the ticket every so often. So is it really too much if i overreact after over 3 months of ignoring a critical bug?
  1. I am game developer programmer myself and there is nothing in this issue that sounds even remotely time consuming. Even if there are multiple components that would be fucking around, it is probably better to start fucking solving them now rather then later. For crying out loud, not even acre and tfr is without bugs. Which pretty much means there is no voip at all that is working as intended.
  1. I got extremely good insight in process of creating a game. I created games myself. Clearly, you are the one who does not understand how game company works.
  1. As much as the DLC was a on a game devs spare time. It is still taking up alot of time from the developers when they actually do work. If you were to take the Zeus DLC for example. Im really glad the added it. But since release, they have had to fix all the bugs that Zeus itself brought into the game. Which have let everything before the release still untouched and still bugged.
  1. As previous stated it clearly fucking are. Why else would they have skipped this issue? Although most bugs in this bugtracker isnt visual bugs, there is still a whole bunch of low prio stuff that they are doing. I could continue giving examples of low prio stuff but i dont think it would do any use.
May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Guys! Its been like 3 months! Can you PLEASE fix this GAMEBREAKING bug for us?

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Guys! Seriously! What the fuck are you doing? How are we suppose to enjoy your game properly when we constantly have to deal with such annoying bugs. We are simply asking for a functional VOIP in a game that is designed for coop realism war simulator. It is sort of the first thing that should be prioritized. You fix random shit like "Animals running into player cause injury" and "Stars are enormously big". When a core mechanic is so fucking broken that all players are forced go to vast lengths in order to just simply play the game.

I watched the release party stream that you guys hosted for the Zeus. It was quite amusing to see you guys trying to pull of that off without mods. With only 3 sections you had both the side and command channel spammed with chatter. And that was what? 20-23 players? I want to you to try imagine 40 players go about doing the same thing in one single channel, the command channel. Its not as if this fucking issue is a big deal. All the functionality is there. By just looking at it, its probably the array of radio channels that goes off by one.

This exact ticket has been added multiple times since the release of the game. This ticket alone is over 3 months old. So could you PLEASE fix this bug that is causing such huge misfortune for us all?

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.


May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

The ticket is getting fairly old, hopefully you have not thrown it in the bin. It is still very important and needed on all public servers of arma...

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

This is a very importance issue that has been ignored for far too long. None of the tickets about this issue have been assigned and this issue have been around for over a year! Our server NEEDS this functionality to enable a smooth 42 player public server experience.

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.

Should be worth noting. This issue is still active even after todays major patch

May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X edited Steps To Reproduce on T75890: Custom radio channel do not work properly in vehicles.
May 10 2016, 7:47 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75418: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007365 (squad logo picture issue).

To summerize our testing; We started the server. Testers; Luxor, 413X, Marty, Skywin, Etienne, Jayjay and one random man who joined.

Luxor crashed instantly as we started. Skywin had his crash after about 2 minutes in. Marty had his game frozen up, but not our issue. After a couple of minutes in, the fps started to jump from 10 fps to 50 fps rapidly making the game unplayable. Jayjay crashed somewhere at this point. Etienne went afk when the fps started dropping and stood desynced on a quadbike 1 meter up in the air. After a few minutes he got disconnected by steam ticket error (unable to verify if he crashed or another issue). The random guy disconnected willingly at some point. When I was all alone on the server I disconnected myself without any crashes. During this time, skywin tried to connect once or twice but was unable to get through the loading screen to the lobby.

Dev version was so unstable we reverted back to stable unless you developers need more testing.

May 10 2016, 7:35 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75418: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007365 (squad logo picture issue).

Luxor knows more about this issue than me and will implement this as soon as he is available. But to to start you off.

The server is and been having this issue since around the new years relentlessly. Make no mistake, this is a MASSIVE issue on our server. This is our main server; where we can inspect player duration.

If we take an example;
Every single 0.1 milimeter play is a crash on connection. Every single 2-5 milimeter play is a crash after a few moments. Lastly, there are those that can have played for anything between 5 minutes to 3 hours that suddenly get the crash.

People have their game crash. In response, the server kicks them due to the lack of response from their client. It is often that people get 'Player is losing connection' before the steam ticket is issued.

"You mean that one client crashes other clients get kicked in response?"

No. Everyone has the crash but the crash can occur simultaneously where as 6 people get the crash on the exact same thing.

May 10 2016, 7:35 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..

So... We think it has something to do server side. Since we have 0 response from you guys. We bought another server; . And tested and still have our steam ticket error issue. So now we have 2 servers that doesnt work.

We had full servers from 2pm to 01.00 am before the new year. Today it has been in a all time low. 9 pm with only 2 players. Honestly guys, this game is fucking broken at this point and been like this for over a month. Ive seen so many players going to other games because of this constant crashing that im even started to consider switching now.

May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..

This issue has been dealt with in another ticket. It was caused by corrupt .paa files that we used in clantags. Unsure if it has been resolved or not, the ticket went as private i think.

May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..

The problem still exists after the patch. We need help.

May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..

Hello, I dont want to come off as some impatient player but as issue has been active for over a week. I see Astaroth stacking up on more and other issues, I wish ours dont fall under the pile.

We suffer badly by this bug to the point where it is tearing our community apart. We in the clan have been going through a vast amount of our own code in the scripts and have come up empty. We then tried switching to Bohemia interactive maps which appears to have the same problem. (Escape Altis and a clean map with only spawn points with no scripts at all.) We have tried turning off battleeye and still the issue was active.

Are we close to a solution or can we help in any way to test and try to fix this problem because, again, our community is suffering really hard because of this issue. Sitrep plz :P

May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X edited Steps To Reproduce on T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..
May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T75174: Some peoples Arma 3 have their game stopped working. We on server sees: Steam ticket check failed..

The mission was first made by Tier 1 and was called something among the lines of "Tier1 combat patrol generator". Then we took that and modded it ourselves into something of our own and is now called: SpecialOperations v3.5.


May 10 2016, 7:29 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T72448: AI is unable to climb on solar tower.

The issue is still valid. I tried this yesterday when I wanted to place snipers up there, but they just glitched out near the ladder on the 2nd floor (after climbing 1 ladder).

May 10 2016, 6:13 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T69464: Custom Radio VOIP Problem.

This issue is old but still needs attention. It one the major factors why coop in multiplayer is lacking so much teamplay. Needs to be set as high priority.

May 10 2016, 4:36 AM · Arma 3
413X added a comment to T64630: When a squad leader says "Disembark", it kicks me out of any stopped vehicle. Where is the choice?!?.

I think its a good idea, especially in coop multiplayer servers where as people who are afk. The FTL can kick em out at the correct LZ. So when they get back 20 seconds later, the arent at the wrong LZ or heading back to base.

May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3