respect? how about for the server operators?! every update i have to spend a week fixing every thing the devs thought would be a good idea and listen to the many, so very many, complaints from my player base. they are getting paid, we are not.
maybe they think its funny have to make group of unpaid people waste time out of their lives to fix game breaking "improvements" that they call updates.
and the stamina system is the tip of the ice berg, i'm lucky if i can load in my own server with out getting stuck in "loading screen limbo" 1 out of every 6 times. my player base is having the same problem.
and what is it with BI games and the updates, DayZ is the same way. never played arma or arma 2 so i cant say if this i a recent development or part of the BI fabric. if its the latter then, ill never complain again because the situation is hopeless.
my due respect was given when i paid for the game.