@kripto202 Awesome site! Got it bookmarked now. Nonetheless, there are many issues yet with squad.xml that need to be addressed. My suggestion here is that when BI gets around to modernizing it the best thing to do is to switch to JSON because of how outdated XML is. ArmA asks for a Squad URL; that's web jurisdiction. In web, XML is pretty much deprecated in favor of JSON.
There's a good bit of disagreement with this that's focused mostly on two points: 1. XML works fine, don't do anything to it (Including inconvenience to current squad.xml users) and 2. It's difficult to implement. Though XML does work fine, again, squad.xml as a whole needs to be addressed and revamped anyways. This leads into the second point, JSON is not difficult to implement at all. Every modern language can access JSON with ease.
Even with this, I don't want the focus to be lost from the 4 original points I made. JSON is simply the best choice for data transfer involving the web.
@Lex None of that information is real, it was all in jest.