Hello, it is working I can confirm that. I have been able to log in with no issue of the Alt timer hindering me.
You must tic the box and then shut down the console server for ten or more minutes. Then restart and you should be able to go in without any problem on any of your accounts. I have been working with Nitrado to get the issue fixed and as of 1300 Pacific time Thursday June 1st it is working. This is of course the Nitrado fix for this issue, and not the Bohemia proper fix to correct this issue. This will still have to be corrected by B.I. to correct the Dev side of the issue and not just the server side for consoles.
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Jun 2 2023
May 26 2023
In T172609#2450409, @WithaReazn wrote:If I find a solution before a hotfix, I will post it here for you.
I do appreciate it. I don't want to come across as a Richard cranium, but as someone who has been encoding programs since the mid 80's, and who is coaching an elementary school world finals robotics team who programs in UTC-8, they really have zero excuse for the blatant mistakes that they make. All of this should have been encoded beta tested for more than two weeks, applied DURING the beta test for feedback, and the fix in place BEFORE the release. I know that single profile game players despise people with alts, but they seem to forget that those of us running the servers need to have characters in three to four places and accessable immediately all at once. We don't have access to zomberry like Xbox and PC (I'm not even sure Xbox has it) so we don't have admin tools to just teleport people to us or us to them, wipe their inventory or grief them. So we have to have the alts to do so and this effectively killed that. Let alone people like me who also have others who play DayZ on my system and lock me out from even my main. This has really struck a last nerve & I have little patience for Bohemia Nitrado and Dayz and their antics, and my patience is worn thin to their subpar performance on a AAA title.
It honestly feels like the more "shiny new" they release the worse this game gets. They have this small little portion of "children" that they listen to that keeps whining in their ear and they acquiesce to their demands rather than polish what they have. I just want to be able to log in and admin my server and kill the guy somebody gave the PW to that is destroying my trader shop, log out and go back to letting the other person play without a 20 minute punishment.
Yeah, I'll place the blame directly on them and I already cancelled and pulled a full refund on one server that I had for 1 1/2 years, and I've got 30 days left on my server that I have had for longer. I fix enough of their sub par coding issues from the updates, and it's not my job to find their solution for them. You do what you think you have to do, as for me, there are other games I can play that I don't have to fix their amateur mistakes on. If they don't fix it by the end of the server subscription, I don't pay for any more server time. Pretty simple.
In T172609#2450160, @WithaReazn wrote:There should be a way to patch this into the server config export on the Nitrado Dashboard. If a person was to download the config file export (the one that contains server name, where you enable cfggameplay file from) they might be able to figure out a way to enable it through that file. That's the only place it could realistically go on console, unless there is a place for it in cfggameplay.json we don't know of yet.
May 24 2023
Well, this won't be resolved and I have cancelled one of two servers due to this issue. The exact words from Nitrado on the service ticket created to gain access to this file and string command is as follows, and I quote: "Hello
May 23 2023
Jul 24 2022
And PS4/5 does NOT use windows operating systems.... It's a console system with proprietary OS.