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May 11 2016

W0lfSh0t added a comment to T103067: Melee hitbox and range recognition - broken.


I experience the issues both in 1st and 3rd person perspectives. And yes, sadly, the Axe is still the truly effective good melee weapon.

Once more, I appreciate all the additional feedback and upvotes you guys have been adding to this. Together, we can make bring to light this issue so that the teams at BG can get it fixed up real nicely.

May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
W0lfSh0t added a comment to T103067: Melee hitbox and range recognition - broken.

Yes. The Zeds do indeed have a ridiculous melee range compared to your player, which puts you already at a rather bad disadvantage in a melee fight. And if you're going up against multiples? Might aswell haul it for the hills cause with the melee system as it is currently, you're bound to lose.

Thanks very much for the up votes and additional notes, guys! I certainly hope the Devs see this really really soon!

May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
W0lfSh0t added a comment to T103067: Melee hitbox and range recognition - broken.

Indeed. A few updates ago the melee system, albeit from lack of proper framerate or ping at times, worked just fine. Currently, as stated above, it's just about completely useless. My past 3 character deaths have been due to the poor melee system. It depresses me and honestly? Turns me off from even trying to play the game.

May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
W0lfSh0t edited Steps To Reproduce on T103067: Melee hitbox and range recognition - broken.
May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ