had same issue, but the weapon was just bugged 5 meters away from me!
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May 10 2016
@R834: Yes I know how to use it, but you can set a button for "flashlight" and "map" in the control settings, so you have to be able to use it that way.
It would be simple if this button just turns the light on which you have in your hand (e.g. M4 in hand and the flashlight of it will turn on same with pistol or normal flashlight)
did you know that you can combine map parts to a big map?? and when you have a complete map it should be possible like in mod version
I mean why the hell is there an option for it when its not useable!?!?!
had same problem, but after a while it disappeared, like fr3nchy said...
had same problem, exactly like you also in the area between the NWA and devils castle. I had 8 stacks of 5.56mm á 30 one with 15 and one with 60 bullets and i wasn't able to combine two 30 stacks into one 60 stack.
P.S.: Had you recognize that you and I had more then 300 rounds in a 300 rounds case? Maybe thats the problem! 6x60=360 ...