Hello Geez.
Unfortunately my graphic settings in DayZ are Very low running on 1920x1080.
Deactivated shadows, low anistropfiltering,no clouds,no anti aliasing and so on.
Graphiccard memory is set to 2GB.
And yes the low FPS are in some cities or villages.
In the forest area I get 30-50 FPS.
If I look in the sky I get around 500 FPS.
The interesting here is if I set up the Graphic to very high the FPS in citys and so on only drops by 5-10 FPS.
And this reinforces my theory that I only have low FPS cuz the game won´t use the full power of my graphic card.
The Nvidia geforce expierience tool shows me that dayZ only uses 20-30% of the graphic card (very Low setting) and 40-60% at Very High settings.
GPU-Z is showing me on both settings that my card isn´t boosting it´s clooking speed to turbo mode.
For example if I start Osu! (Music/ Rythm game 2D) it shows me that Osu! is using 70-92% of the performance and GPU-Z is showing me that the card goes in turbo mode (boosting clock speed).
I tried this with 5 other games (Archeage, Daylight, Skyrim, League of Legends and Faster than Light) Archeage, Daylight and Skyrim gave me the same results like Osu!.
Faster Than Light exact the same like in DayZ but Faster than Light is a 2D platformer and doesn´t need that much power to work.
League of Legends gave me a result between the 2 other results with other words it always jumped between turbo and normal/idle mode.
A solution for this problem could be to force the graphic card into turbo-mode with 3. party application but im not really a fan of this methode (some bad experience).
And I know if this is really a problem with the engine this problem can´t be solved so fast but maybe you guys could try to solve it in future releases.
And maybe this will solve the FPS problems from other players too.
I tried now something I first started Osu! and then I started DayZ and i got a great FPS improvement even on very high around 60- 80 FPS in cities and around 130-140 FPS in a forest.
And this with an another game in background.
If I close Osu! and switch back to DayZ the FPS drops back to 10-20 in cities and 30-50 in forest area.