So I played a mission tonight with a small group of 5 guys with AI with us and against us. We had a UGV with us that was armed, I took control of it and moved it up to a hill and just placed its weapon so it was able to shoot with out being over exposed. I take control of the turret and open up with some grenades. A few seconds later the UGV starts to move out of cover and to the left, moving away from the targets??? Why hasn't something like this been fixed yet, I had no waypoints set at all but it still went autonomous and drove off. This effectively makes UAV's of any type nearly useless. It also turns its lights on and you are unable to switch them off if its dark, so much for stealth and avoiding detection. BI can you please do something about the UAV's and their auto AI features.
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May 10 2016
May 10 2016
AusCleaver added a comment to T71372: Darter goes auotonomous after manual landing and shutoff of engines. Feature - Engine off should be a kill switch and reset..
AusCleaver added a comment to T71372: Darter goes auotonomous after manual landing and shutoff of engines. Feature - Engine off should be a kill switch and reset..
Yes, that's exactly the problem. A reset of all waypoints and engine status would clear up a great deal of issues.
AusCleaver added a comment to T71267: Take UAV controls Menu item does not appear when UAV operator linked to group.
Drathuu and myself played a mission he made after this and it worked at that time so may be sporadic in terms of reproduction.
AusCleaver added a comment to T67300: Reloading weapon / placing explosive / switching firemode is audible far away from source.
In multiplayer I have heard reloading sounds when no AI or human player was within 150 - 200m. This gets a little annoying when your moving and all of a sudden you hear a weapon been switched to a different firing mode (The latest sound bug) and you think there are enemies close by. This has happened every game and needs to be fixed.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Agreed, was playing with a refuel trigger with the Darter UAV and it refueled at 85 mtrs above the trigger. WTF? This definately needs to be implemented.
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