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Jul 23 2024

Shadow_Soul51 added a comment to T182456: Proximity chat issue.


Jul 23 2024, 7:16 PM · Arma Reforger
Shadow_Soul51 added a comment to T182456: Proximity chat issue.

I play on Xbox with a headset directly outputting game audio into my ear without surround sound speakers and without Windows Sonic Spacial Sound (which does not exist on Xbox to my knowledge). This is not an issue with surround sound speakers nor is it an issue with Windows Sonic Spacial Sound conflicting with Stereo Processing Type in game. This is not a hardware issue as it is a cross platform problem affecting both platforms and all audio output types. This is a game issue affecting all audio sources (not just proximity chat) in which sound beams created by any audio source ie. proximity chat, vehicle sounds, gunfire, picking up ammo from the arsenal box, etc are not being properly received by certain players not directly having their camera (likely audio receiver) faced towards audio source within a 1 meter distance. This can easily be proved by the fact that while in any vehicle, audio from the vehicle as well as proximity chat audio is barely able to be heard while in third person camera (likely audio receiver is camera placement again big surprise). This audio issue being related to very narrow sound beam columns being created and received by player camera is also proved by the fact that while facing any audio source ie. player speaking, vehicle, ammo pickup, etc simply turning 5 degrees either direction from the centre of audio source will only play audio from one side of headset despite still looking almost directly at audio source.
This audio issue only appeared after update 1.2 was released and was not present before 1.2 at all despite no hardware changes at all recently. Update 1.2 caused the audio problem many of us are experiencing. Simply roll back to update 1.1 audio files or figure out and fix the problem but please just do something instead of ignoring this issue for another month.

Jul 23 2024, 7:15 PM · Arma Reforger

Jul 9 2024

Shadow_Soul51 added a comment to T182456: Proximity chat issue.

It’s nearly been two weeks since this glitch was first reported still with no response about fixing it or even acknowledging that it exists. As I play alone (as I can’t hear anyone I’m not looking at within a 1ft radius in proximity chat) I begin to notice more and more glitches that were introduced in this latest update and I start to question if I really want to keep playing a game with so many glitches that also doesn’t allow me to hear the people I enjoy playing with even if the game may be enjoyable at times.

Jul 9 2024, 11:54 AM · Arma Reforger

Jul 4 2024

Shadow_Soul51 added a comment to T182456: Proximity chat issue.

I’ve created a useless Bohemia account just to say that this glitch DOES affect XBOX and makes proximity chat almost useless after this most recent update.

Jul 4 2024, 10:32 AM · Arma Reforger