Yeah i've stepped on landmines on official, and when I woke up my legs were broken & my clothing got slightly damaged but I was still full health
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Jul 8 2023
Jul 8 2023
tehepicduckkilla added a comment to T173660: M79 grenade launcher with 40mm EXPLOSIVE no longer works....:[ Grenade and Mine either.
Because current developers don't have common sense, and instead of working on actually useful cosmetics they add medieval armor & a crossbow and say that they added enough content for a wipe. Ridiculous company
tehepicduckkilla added a comment to T173715: Can we finally address the hackers issue on the official servers?.
Yep, and I was stalked by a cheater for weeks who was from china and he would follow me through official servers and find me to just kill me. There needs to be a report option in-game, and maybe cheaters wouldn't be so god damn prevalent. Need to take action on preventing cheaters before all your new players end up leaving because of them
Jul 7 2023
Jul 7 2023
One of the best survival games on the market. Please get rid of these cheaters so your community can actually enjoy the game
tehepicduckkilla updated the task description for T173747: DayZ Cheater on PC - DayZ US 3664323 (Public) .
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