Would you cut it out with this crap.
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May 9 2016
May 9 2016
It may be a hardware limitation on your side. Some of the cheaper keyboard designs can only accept a limited number of inputs because of how the electrical wiring is set up. Higher end gaming keyboards are made to avoid this. I know my keyboard craps out after three simultaneous key presses in one area.
I agree, the items as well should display a volume and mass. A uniform or sleeping bag may not weigh much but it will take up half the space in your pack, a few hundred rounds of ammo may not take up much space, but it will weigh you down.
I also think that if the vehicle flip, top mounted weapons should be damaged. Or if it is a player physically controlling the gun, that player should be injured.
Hsad edited Steps To Reproduce on T59069: When leaving water, if the swim to walk transition takes place on a rock, Player becomes stuck..
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